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All four of them were settled down on the dinning table, having their dinner peacefully.
"I got a call this evening, we have a meeting with pd nim tommorow." Taehyung spoke gaining everyone's attention.

"Can't they let us live for once? We were supposed to have free schedule this week?" Jennie questioned.

"Hmm.. i was supposed to leave for busan tommorow" Jungkook spoke after Jennie finished.
"But it must be important?" Lisa said earning a nod from Taehyung.

"It is. Manager hyung told me this is something.. big" he quietly observed everyone's reaction.

"I guess he's finally gonna reveal his girlfriend or maybe wife" Lisa munched on her food as if she didn't just say something funny. Jungkook cracked a laugh before Jennie spoke, "Even if it was, why would he reveal that to us? Pabo" she giggled.

"Hey! Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!" Jungkook protested.
"Excuse me Jeon, your girlfriend is my best friend" she said, rolling her eyes.

Jungkook and Jennie started fighting again while Taehyung and Lisa sighed.
"Oppa? You want ice cream? This will continue longer" Lisa whispered shouted to Taehyung, pointing at the two bickering kids who didn't pay any attention.

"Strawberry ice cream" he showed his boxy smile. Both of them tip toed towards the kitchen, leaving Jennie and Jungkook arguing.


"So, first of all i am sorry for having this immediate meeting today as it was your day off" Bang Pd spoke, smiling.

"It's okay pd nim" Jennie smiled back. Jungkook stared at Jennie in disbelief, wasn't she angry yesterday night because of this meeting?

"I wouldn't have called you all if this was not something important. Lately, i have been thinking about something. I wanted to discuss this with you all so, i decided to call you right away" he spoke.

"It must be really important then, but what is it?" Jungkook asked.

"It has been two years since your group debuted with 6 successful released albums, but it always has been as a group" he said smiling, confusing the other four.

"What do you mean pd nim?" Taehyung asked.

"I, I want solo projects from you all now" he spoke. Loud gasps of the four could clearly be heard in the room, as they were shocked. It has really been two years of their debut with no single solo activity. The company too never allowed them to have any solo activity. So, this was obviously shocking for them.

"S-solo?" Lisa spoke with big eyes.

"Yes, solo. A solo album"

"What? But why? I mean suddenly how?" Jennie asked still surprised.

"To be honest, i have been planning this from a long time. Fans are expecting so much from you all. Obviously as a group, y'all do great. But, i want each of you to shine on your own, know your potential" the CEO spoke making them smile widely. Yes, he was right.

"I know, the common question running in each of your minds is who will be the first one to release a solo album?" He smiled, he really knows them.
"That must be decided too?" Taehyung asked.

FOUR♠️ TAENNIE LIZKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now