Thai Food

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"Noona.. at least let's go and check? i am worried" Jungkook exclaimed biting his lips, walking in the living room back and forth.

Jennie sighed, understanding his worries.
"Calm down Kook"

"We can't burn down the whole kitchen" he peeped towards the kitchen to catch some view, but he could only smell something burning.

Today, they have a day off. Initially, they thought of ordering some food for lunch but Lisa offered to cook some Thai dishes herself. Although she can't really cook but her father being a chef, she told them she can cook basics. What worried Jennie and Jungkook more was Taehyung insisted to help her.

"Noona! Something is burning!" Jungkook nearly screamed.
"Did she burnt herself?"

"Yah! She's not a kid!" Jennie face palmed, getting up from the couch wearing her bear sleepers. She walked up to the kitchen with Jungkook following her from behind.

Both of their eyes widened seeing the kitchen's condition. It looked like some wild animals had a fight here or some robbers robbed the kitchen.

Lisa who was busy cooking something on the pan, looked up and smiled apologetically. Taehyung was standing beside her, trying to peel garlic with his bare hands? Jennie slowly walked further inside, looking around and stopped in front of the stove.

The steak Lisa was trying to cook was already burnt.
"Isn't this burnt lili?"

"Thai fo-foods are like that only unnie" Lisa tried to cover herself up. Jennie could sense Taehyung nodding behind her.

"But I had thai foods so many times baby.. those are not even close to how you are cooking" Jungkook couldn't help but be honest.

Lisa glared at him, raising up the spatula to threaten him "Shut up! You don't know"

"Exactly!" Taehyung went back to peel the garlic. Jennie took the garlic piece from his hands and picked up a small knife, cutting off the head skillfully she proceeded to peel if off neatly. Taehyung was amazed.

"Woah! That's so easy babe. How did you learn it?" He clapped his hands. Jennie shaked her head sighing.

Jungkook also walked up to them, with his hands around his nose preventing the smell to enter his nostrils. Lisa glared at him again "Stop overacting"

"Stop cooking then"

"You!" Lisa was about to run after him but the slight fragrance of the second pairs of cooked steak hit her nostrils. When she picked it up and placed it on the plate, it looked perfect just like how her dad used to cook.

Soon after the food was cooked and Jennie and Jungkook brought the foods to the dining table. They all settled down.

"This actually looks delicious baby" Jungkook's eyes brightened seeing the food made by his girlfriend. She usually cooks ramen or some really easy things when they both are at their apartment but she never actually made a whole meal by herself.

"Hmm right. Not bad liliput" Taehyung smiled proudly.

"Stop calling me that!" Lisa who was smiling hearing all the compliments, suddenly whined.

"Let me taste it" Jennie picked up her chopsticks to taste the dish named 'Gang Massaman'.

Just as the food touched Jennie's tongue, her eyes widened as wide as the bowl.
"This.. this is amazing lisa-yah! You really made this?"

FOUR♠️ TAENNIE LIZKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now