4 | Happier Than Ever

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"Well, that was a bummer."

Hera shook her head. "I really don't understand why people cheat on others. Like just come clean that you don't have feelings for your lover anymore. Instead they just go around and fuck others." Looking up at him, she frowned. "Sorry, you had to go through it, but trust me, you'll get over that woman soon."

Baekhyun hummed. "What about you? Did you go through this break up thing too?"

"Nope. I just... I don't know. I feel like no one really made my heart beat faster as they show in movies and books." She smiled sheepishly. "I'm waiting for someone to come and sweep me off my feet I guess."

He stopped walking, and grabbed her elbow. She startled, jumping away so suddenly that her back hit hard metal. It was a car, she realized.

"Did you heart pick up its pace?"

Hera flattened herself back on the car, tilting her head to stare at him, confused. "What are you talking about?"

There was a bang when he hit the top of the car next to her head, and she jumped, her heart doing a strange jolt that froze her in place. "You wanted your heart beat faster. I'm showing you not only romance but fear can do it too." His thumb slid from behind her ear to the hollow of her throat, to the insane pulse that was currently running on a marathon. "Beware of what you ask for."

She watched him pull away from her. His expressions relaxed again. "You're weird," she murmured, and he smiled.

"Sorry I'm an anti-romantic."

Soobin watched his consigliere sitting there with Hera, giving her some sob story of his non existent break-up. He could hear Baekhyun rambling about this woman who left him for a rich guy; classic tale. Hera listened patiently to his false truth though, and even offered him a few words of comfort.

"First my capo, now consigliere... What has my life come to?" Underboss Soobin wondered, and sipped the drink in his hand. He was sitting a seat away from the duo, and cringed when Baekhyun threw another lie on the girl's face, and even shed some tears. "Ah.. It's a lost cause."

"Excuse me."

He stilled. Did someone recognize him? Shit. Lifting his head, he saw a girl hovering over him. His first reaction was, so beautiful, but second thought was, what did she want from him? "Yes?"

"I'm Karina. Can I sit here?" She didn't wait for a reply and took the empty seat next to him. "Actually I recently broke up with my boyfriend and he's here with his new girlfriend. You're handsome. Thought might make him a bit jealous."

Soobin stared at her, dumbstruck. "Oh! Okay. Yeah, okay." He nodded, weirded out.

"I don't really give my back story to anyone." Karina flipped her hair, and ordered a round of drinks. "But, you look like a nice guy." She gave him a charming smile.

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