35 | Adrenaline

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Here we go again...

"Come on, this isn't happening."

Hera crossed her arms against her chest as she watched half naked Baekhyun swimming across the pool. He looked nice, she would have said, if he wasn't doing the activity for the sole purpose of pissing her off. The moment he came above the water, it splashed around him, and since Hera was near to him, she got targeted by the angry droplets.

Baekhyun smirked, which boiled her blood even more. "My apologies. Didn't see you there, Cara mia."

"Oh! I bet you didn't." She cleaned her face and shirt with the back of her hand and glared at him. "Mujabihan is visiting today. You're supposed to play good husband, but you can't do that when you've been ignoring my existence for this past week."

He swam to the corner where she was struggling to keep her composer. Damn. Why did he have to be so handsome? One taste of his touch and now she was addicted. Baekhyun was a satan though. He hadn't touched her since the last session, and as much as glad she was for the space, because duh that was intense as hell, a part of her craved for that mind blowing pleasure.

"Hera." His voice startled her from her thoughts and she found herself sitting near him as he pulled himself up so that they were on eye level now.

"What?" She whispered. Wait. Why the fuck was she whispering?

"On the scale of 1-10, how much do you want to fuck me?"

This took her out of the trance as her cheeks colored. In defence, she pushed him away, but Baekhyun being the devil he was, pulled her with him into the pool. Their intertwined bodies splashing the water around them. Hera tried to get over the surface, but the consigliere didn't let her, taking her into the depth of the pool.

Her terrified eyes met his, and his nod was the last thing she saw before he kissed her, stealing the last of her breath. His one hand on the back of her neck and other arm around her waist, closing her to him. His lips were as soft as she remembered from the last time, his touch still had that harshness plus gentleness that she desired.

If my fall is like this, I'm ready to fall from my grace, Her thoughts whispered.

Hera gasped for a much needed breath the moment air hit her. Baekhyun was in front of her, breathing harshly as they both stared at each other. Inside the water, it was her fall from the grace, but on the surface where the light was clear and thoughts were dense, she realised it was her way to hell. Baekhyun was her way to hell. To destruction. To everything she never believed.

"So how much do you want to fuck me? 10 or 10?"

"Is tha.." She swallowed more breaths, her chest brushing his. "Is that all you've to say? You've been ignoring me."

"Well I like to fuck." His long veiny hand lifted to stroke her hair gently, completely opposite to his words. "I wanted you to crave that depravity as much as I enjoy giving it to you."

Is that all I'm going to be? She wanted to ask, but chuckled instead. "Mujabihan needs a show. We need to give them one. Let's talk about it later, husband."

Baekhyun frowned. His eyes scanned her face curiously. "Of course, but it's not the loving show they're going to get."

"Why? You want me to act miserable?"

"I want you to be my wife. The title is enough."

Hera pulled away from him. "Well I do have my own identity, thank you very much." His hand grab hers, and she grumbled, "I won't disrespect you or anything, but I'm not going to act like I'm a miserable soul with no happiness. You trapped me, yes, but I'm living here, and I'm not going to get sympathy for something I'm not even going through."

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