7 | Little Touch

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Up until now we had some filler chapters since I didn't want to jump into a lovey dovey or even remotely close relationships between the characters, considering how they all came together. It's a mafia story, so let's start the game of guessing now.


Baekhyun opened his eyes.

The silence in the house was defening. He stared up at the ceiling and tried to block the thoughts circling in his brain. The light glow coming from the window was enough to tell him that the sun was around the corner. Climbing down the bed, he made his way to the terrace, but for some reason, his steps carried him to a specific room.

Her room.

Hera was sleeping soundly in bed as if she wasn't kidnapped and threatened by him just yesterday. Her face looked peaceful, too peaceful for his liking. Shaking his head, he turned away and stopped when saw Taehyung across the corridor, giving him a look.


"Couldn't sleep." Baekhyun scratched the back of his head. "What are you doing here though?"

"You weren't in bed. Guessed you were here." Taehyung's eyes went to the door. "Take it easy till you get married to her. We won't want to scare her off this soon."

"As if she has anywhere to go." He shook his head. "You want a drink?"

"At 4 in the morning?" Taehyung's lips twitched. "Remember consigliere, I give you my permission to torture her family as much as you want, but I hope you won't cross the line. She's connected, not involved."

Baekhyun stiffened. "Thank you for the suggestion. I'll consider it when I start giving a fuck." He walked past the Capo, pissed that the latter got a reaction out of him. "Sorry," he muttered under his breath and glanced over his shoulder. "Just let me be. Please."

Taehyung tilted his head. "Before your Capo, I'm your friend. We went through a loss, I understand. Morals aren't something we posses, but I still would like to be redeemed to some extent when we go up there." He chuckled when Baekhyun snorted.

"You're lucky you're my capo. Friend or not, I don't have a patience when it comes to your nonsensical teasing."

"Fine. It's fun to tease you though. It's your choice how you want to take revenge on her or her family. I won't interfere." Taehyung surrendered his arms up.

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