21 | Honour Before Everything

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Double update

Joy took a deep breath, schooled her features and opened the door. Taehyung was standing on the other side, all dressed up for the day. The wedding was supposed to happen in the late evening, and mob ritual was scheduled for the day.

"You're doing alright?" He gestured her to walk ahead as he followed after, and she nodded in reply. "I trust you to perform your duties well today. Every eye will be on you."

"I understand," Joy murmured.

"The spy is still on loose. I don't expect your loyalty, but know that people are on risk of losing their lives in a betrayal, so do it for them. If you get a whiff of the matter, report it to me."

"I will." She pulled her coat closer when the chilly wind greeted her as they stepped out of the house. "One time I went to Russia, it was super cold there. Have you ever been to Russia?"

Taehyung frowned as he gave her a side glance. "I have."

"Wait. Don't you have a bad blood with Russian mob?" Her eyes widened comically. "How did you manage to go there?" She asked as they got into the car.

"Fake passports are a thing." His frown deepened. "Don't ask me to go there. Those fake passports won't work for me now. They'll surely get a news of my arrival, and I won't risk it"

"Not a trouble for me though." Joy smiled. "Can I go to Russia?"

"You're not going anywhere without me." The Capo stared out of the window. "Your safety is my responsibility."

"But they won't recognize me with a fake passport?" She pouted, keeping up with the act, but inside her heart was pounding hard. She felt like she could throw up any moment of the nervousness.

"They won't, but I still don't want to risk it. If you want to travel, tell me about some other places where I can accompany you."

"It's alright. The cold reminded me of Russia, it was a wistful thinking." Joy looked out at the snow covering the grounds. She could feel Taehyung's stare on her, but didn't return it.

"We're here. I'm trusting you with today's tasks." Taehyung opened the door and wrapped an arm around her waist as they walked inside the church. "You've disappointed me enough till now. Please spare me the trouble today. Or for forever for that matter."

Joy only nodded. Lying in the church didn't seem like a good choice afterall.

Hera jumped out of her wits when the door opened, but she relaxed when saw Joy. "You scared me!" She whisper yelled, but paused when saw her friend's hopeful face.

"Russia. You'll leave to Russia as soon as I figure out how to get you a fake passport."

"Russia? They'll skin me alive if figured my identity-"

"I know. That's why you won't stay there. Take a flight to... I don't know... New York. Paris. France. To Anywhere from the Russian Airport. Don't stay. You'll switch to another passport from there."

"In that way if Baekhyun even got a news on me..."

"He'll think you're in Russia, and they won't go there to get you. Not because he doesn't care or anything, but because Sal-inja stepping into Russian territory would alert them, that we want something or someone from their ground. You are understanding me?"

Hera nodded. "But there will be money problem."

"You'll contact your father from the airport, wherever you decide to go, and ask him if he's ready to take you back. If he agrees, then okay. If not... I'll figure money problem out in a few days."

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