16 | Creeping

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Okay i got it. I surprised you folks with the twist, but come on, there are a lot to come in the upcoming phase. Some of the twists would be predictable, so let's see how many of them you get right.

Quick question - Do you prefer quick updates but short chapters or long chapters and delayed updates? I update whenever I write, sometimes the length of the chapter is short. Like this one, so let me know how you like it.

Jisoo met Kyungsoo in the corridor.

Her lips twitched as she reached to adjust his neck tie. "You look flushed. Must be heat," she murmured, and he rolled his eyes. "So, big man. Where's our to be queen's chamber?"

Kyungsoo guided her to Joy's wing. "My cousin and his batshit crazy consigliere has a way of ruining things, so I'm counting on you to get a few things through the women's heads. At least Joy's."

"What about Hera?"

"She's a lost cause. Focus of Joy for now. She's going to be one of my Capo's wife." Kyungsoo stopped beside a room, and gestured Jisoo to take over. "My gratefulness is on your way starting now."

Jisoo gave him a finger and he chuckled before walking away. She turned and opened the door to the room. Joy stood beside the window, a calculative look on her face. "You must've been expecting Taehyung."

"Glad I'm not that transparent," Joy murmured. "Did he send you to fetch me?"

"No. The boss did." That sealed Joy's lips. Kyungsoo had that kind of effect on people. "You're going to become Taehyung's wife, formally introduced as his fiance tonight... There's a lot on stakes, so I'm here to... refresh some facts."

"I'm listening." Joy came around to sit on the bed.

"You're going to be the pride of the clan. The other half of Taehyung."

"Who will have no power in any way. Just a trophy wife. Someone he conquered." She sighed. "I don't hold personal grudge towards you, but I have no respect for that man. I apologize."

Jisoo smirked. "Oh don't apologize. Taehyung has no respect for you as well."

"Excuse me?" Joy glared at the woman. Who was she to come here and talk shit. "Are you sure the boss sent you? Wait, are you one of Taehyung's exes, seeking revenge or something?"

"You've done nothing to earn it. Respect, I mean." Jisoo adjusted her glasses, ignoring the former's outburst. "Be his equal. He'll let you if you try enough."

"Who are you really?" Joy narrowed her eyes.

"I'm someone people respect immensely. Sorry, you can't relate." She walked to the woman and hovered over her. "Figure out how to make a place for yourself, princess because it's going to be a hell of the journey. You can marry Taehyung and have zero interest of our people. I doubt you want that, so take my advice and start acting as the new reigning queen of the Sal-inja."

Her words sank slowly into Joy's mind. Jisoo turned around just as Taehyung returned to get her. He threw a curious glance at Jisoo, who only smiled, and walked past him.

"You ready?" He gave Joy his hand, which she accepted gracefully.

"As ready as I ever will be."

Baekhyun entered the room.

Hera was staring at her reflection in the mirror, and stiffened when met his gaze. She turned around to face him, still sitting. "His majesty, am I looking fine piece of art to be presented in front of your clan?"

To her shock, he actually looked over her. "You're not bad." He stood behind and dusted off the invisible dust over his suit. "Come on. The boss is here to bless us."

Hera scowled. "You're impossible."

"Why, thank you." Baekhyun adjusted his cuff links, and went to the door, tapping his foot as if telling her that she was wasting his time.

"Is there any chance of you not being an ass hole for the rest of this arrangement?"

"It's called marriage, sweetheart."

"Such a holy word shouldn't be used for our union. That's for sure." She stood up and walked towards him. He grabbed her hand. "What? Is there a warning coming my way now?"

"Yes." Baekhyun stared at her. "You're not equal to me. Not even close. You're going to become the wife of a consigliere and still has a temper and habits of a five year old. The vocabulary is a whole different issue."

"Don't." Hera twisted her wrist under his grip. "Don't make me feel stupid when you forced me to marry you in the first place."

"I did. But Sal-inja clan take you as a trophy, now it depends on you whether you want to be seen that way forever or change their perception by actually being a sensible person."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"As much as I hate it, and I hate it, you're to be my wife. I don't want people beneath me to gossip about you." Baekhyun let go off her. "As my wife, you're going to have an image for the people. A good image, I hope."

Hera gulped, meeting his gaze head on. "Then that's a pity, consigliere because I would rather have them say shit about me than obeying you and adding more to your fucking ego."

With that, she walked past him to the top of the stairs. His shadow followed her, and she raised her head as he took a hold of her hand and they walked downstairs. Her eyes stared at the room full of her enemies. They all were looking for a wrong move to tear her apart.

Hera wasn't stupid to downplay the underlying meaning of Baekhyun's words. Her heart pounded when she met Kyungsoo's eyes and how he held the cruelest of the stare. Jin, his captain, also assessed her head to toe. Hoseok, the enforcer didn't hide his open look too.

"You're trembling," Baekhyun whispered against her ear, laughing lightly as if he had said some joke.

Hera chuckled. "This is a nightmare."

Joy and Taehyung followed after. The pair looked exquisite and Joy held her head high, daring anyone to look down upon her. Hera knew then this was how their life was going to be like. Full of circus and shiny lights. With no real people.

And no real them.

"Can you like fuck off?" Yeji asked Yeonjun, who only grinned, still not leaving her side. "Your sister must have come downstairs by now. Shouldn't you be inside congratulating her?"

"I don't congratulate people on their ruin." He shrugged. "What are you studying."

"I'm not going to give you an information that could lead to you potentially stalking me and posing a threat."


"That I am."

"But stupid too because why would you come out here in open with an enemy?" Yeonjun took a drag from the cigarette.

"You followed me out dumbo." She rolled her eyes. "And, this is my territory, you won't dare to do shit to me unless you want your limbs rearranged."

That made him chuckle. "No. I won't want that," he muttered. "I'm studying business."

"Reverse tactic won't work for you. I won't tell you anything about me, Yeonjun."

"It was worth a try." He winked, and blew out the smoke. "Will see you later then, mafia girl." Walking back to the kitchen by back door, he found Kai standing in the doorway. "The plan is on the move, boss."

Kai smirked. "Good job, soldier."

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