26 | The Beginning Of The End

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"Yeonjun. Yeonjun, where are you?"

Hera rubbed her eyes, trying to fight her sleep as she padded on the floor, trying to find her little brother. She had just come back home after a tution class, and was too tired to be involved in any kind of mischief. Her twelve year old self couldn't keep up with the fast pacing of the world.

Yeonjun was just eight, but already had a soul of devil. Always troubling her. Right now, he wasn't in his room, so she was sure he was out there to stir something up. "Listen, unnie is exhausted today. Just come out."

She stopped when saw the door to her mother's room ajar. Damn it. Her father would kill them both if he came to know about Yeonjun's visit to mother. Their mother was too unstable to be coherent, and always talked rubbish.

"Your father is a killer. He kills. Don't use his money." Or "Save Yeonjun. He'll kill his soul. Hera, save him!"

Hera had lost the number of times she had stopped by the door, and tried to peek, but never dared to go inside. Her mother's eyes had always looked haunted, and it unsettled Hera more than she would ever admit. But right now, her father's wrath was on line, and she couldn't let Yeonjun's childish shelf become a reason for their downfall.

"Yeonjun," she hissed when slowly opened the door, and saw her brother standing in front of the attached bathroom. Her eyes went around the dim lit room, and she felt shiver running down her spine. "Yeonjun, dad is going to beat us to death. Get out right now!"

But, the little boy stood there still. No reaction to her words. Getting frustrated, she pushed the door open and went to him, grabbed his hand and was about to drag him out when her eyes fell on the scene inside the bathroom. Her mother's haunted eyes were on her. And, she was bleeding.

"Mum," Hera croaked out, taking a step forward. Her resolved broke when she saw the bathtub of bloody water. And then she screamed. "Mum!"

"Mum." Hera woke up startled. The woman who was doing her eye make up pressed her lips in thin line because her jump clearly smudged the eye liner. "Sorry. I dozed off."

"It's alright," A new voice said, and she frowned when her eyes met the woman's in the mirror. "Girls always remember their mothers on such occasions."

"You are?"

"Lisa. I'm your stylist for the day." Her blonde hair and features looked sharp. "The beforehand appointed girl had an emergency, so I volunteered. I love weddings, you see."

Hera cleared her throat. "Alright." She tried to avert her gaze, but Lisa's eyes never looked away. She looked she was assessing her head to toe. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing. You don't look like a normal happy bride."

"It shouldn't concern you," she snapped, then felt bad. The styling team was clearly a group of normal people. "It's just nerves, sorry."

Lisa tilted her head, and smiled. "No problem."

The door opened, and Joy walked in. Hera raised her hand in a gesture to stop, and the make up artist stepped away. She stood up, ready to face her friend's coldness but instead she was met with an uncertain look. She opened her mouth to ask if everything was okay when noticed something.

Lisa was on her feet too, looking at Joy expectantly. Did she want to make an impression on Joy? But, why? It wasn't like she knew Joy was Capo's fiance. Right? She was just another normal person. Or was Hera reading too much into this? It was nerves. Must be.

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