5 | War Of Hormones

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Hera remembered the series she had recently binge watched. Snowdrop. There was a track where the leads of the drama danced on a nostalgic song called 'one way ticket'. She liked that song, and thought of an alternative meaning on why it was used for the couple. That their journey was one way. There was no going back. Doomed tragedy.

She imagined though. Her and Baekhyun dancing on the song. Her light pink dress, Baekhyun in a suit. Twirling, laughing and smiling at each other while enjoying the beat of the music. One meeting and she was gone for him. Like a moth drawn to a flame, Hera walked to Baekhyun in a hurried steps that day, joined him for a quick breakfast, only to be back stabbed.

The view of them dancing diminished slowly, followed by the man of her dreams covered in blood, her blood. She looked down at her blood coated hands, and trembled in fear. He didn't reach out to help her, but like a fool, she tried to hold him. To ask him why? Why would he do this to her? Why? Just why?

Hera sat up with a loud gasp. Her eyes looked around wide open. Baekhyun sat in front of her, cross legged, his posture relaxed, almost bored. "You took your time, sweetheart."

"Who are you?" Standing up, she moved behind the couch and scanned her surroundings. It was a mansion. A big one at that. "You... You kidnapped me," her haunted registration had her scared more than ever.

"That I did." Baekhyun stood up. "And, I'm Baekhyun-"

"You monster!" She grabbed a cushion and threw it at him. "Let me out of here! What did I ever do to you?" Her breathing turned uneven. There were thousands of scenarios going in her head, not many good one in fact.

"You can call me monster. I won't mind."

His nonchalant behavior triggered her, and she was ready to jump on him, maybe scratch his handsome face, gauge out his beautiful cold blue eyes, and kick him where the stars won't shine. But, someone pulled her back before she could proceed as she stumbled upon her steps, and looked up.

"Hoseok, let her be." Baekhyun walked around her as if measuring her up. "Poor girl looks like a deer caught in a headlight. She's bound to throw tantrums."

"I'm not throwing tantrums." Hera went to him, glaring daggers. "You fucking kidnapped me. Are you a sadist or something? You made a show of being kind and then betrayed me-"

"It's not my fault if you were willing to open your legs for me, sweetheart." He tucked her hair back. "You can say whatever you want. That you were being kind and understanding, bottom line is that you wanted to make a good use of my body. You wanted me to fuck you good-"

"You bastard-"

"And, I'll fuck you." His voice whispered close to her ear and she went still. "Not sure about physically, but I'm going to fuck you up mentally, sweetheart. And, when I'm done with you, you won't be able to recognize yourself."

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