31 | Deadly Potion

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It's a long chapter. I'm going to set a comment target on each chapter. I'll update only after we cross that target. I don't want anything other than your reviews. You could do that for me if you're liking the story, right?

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"I don't know."

Joy grinded her molars, her eyes glaring daggers at the man in front of her. She didn't dare to look at Hera. She couldn't. She needed to stay strong. People would die. Their security would be compromised if she slipped any information. Joy couldn't do that to Sal-inja. A clan she would rule if she made it out alive.

But, Hera. Her friend was on the verge of collapsing. Every smack. Every slap shook Joy to her core. She almost, almost gave in, but then remembered how her one answer would become a threat to the clan. Survive, Joy screamed in her head, hoping somehow Hera would hear it. Hoping she would forgive her for her mute behavior.

"Next question." The man had a strong Russian accent. "You live in the common house. The one which, the Capo, consigliere, the boss and sometimes the underboss use, during the commotion."

Joy pressed her lips. "I lived there until now. Yes."

"Is there any underground entrance?"

Yes. "If there was, I would have escaped from there ages ago." If I had somewhere to go to.

The guard standing beside the interrogator stepped forward. "We are going too easy on her." He nodded at the other one, and stepped in the consigliere wife direction. "Answer the question or you'll see something you won't like, madam."

Joy, for the first time, glanced at Hera, and gasped when saw bruises forming on her face. Her fingers curled over her dress, and she wanted to kill someone. Blood thirst wasn't something she had ever felt, but at this moment, she wanted to kill. Torture the men. Slice them into pieces.

"Alright. The question. When do the guards take their patrol break at night? If you were so desperate to escape, you must've noticed that."

8:00-8:15. 11:00-12:00. 3:00-3:05. "I have no idea. I didn't notice it."

"Oh you did." The guard behind Hera's chair chuckled. "You might have performed poorly on purpose at Mujabihan training centre, but we know you are capable of many things."

"You don't know anything about me." Joy scoffed. "Either you wouldn't have picked me or Hera for this question answer round. We're useless."

"Don't insult our intelligence like that, dear." His cold laugh almost made her lose her composure for a second.

"Are you going to answer or not?" The Russian interrogator leaned forward and placed a hand over Hera's shirt buttons. "No? Shall we start the next phase then?"

Hera's blood ran cold. She shook her head no, silent, trembling all over, panic, real panic setting. Pain could be tolerated, but not this. She was about to get away from him when the other guard held her down by shoulders. "Aren't you guys honorable? Every clan knows that it's a sin to touch a married woman!"

"Well, Bratva has a belief that one shouldn't mingle in other's marriage. I agree." His smile was sick. "But, we're only having a bit of fun. No involvement."

Joy growled. "Baekhyun will kill you. He'll make you pay!"

"I will kill you before my husband." Hera stared at him. "You want to hit me? Do it, but don't touch me. Be honorable."

The men shared a laugh which sent chills down her spine, and before she knew it, the man tore her shirt in half, the buttons flying all over the place. "Sorry. We don't have an honour."

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