Chapter 11

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Felicity pressed her lips into a thin line and tapped her foot as she waited for Lance to pick up on the other end.

"Captain Lance," the other end of the phone was a crackling and breaking up.

"Hi, Lance, it's Mrs. Queen, I was just wondering where you are so I can come over and show you this amazing report that I found," Felicity pushed herself away from the table and started to walk out and towards the door.

"Felicity?" Shado called and ran after her. "Felicity! What do you plan on doing when you get to the police station? Interrogate them?"

"I'm the Arrow's wife, aren't I?" Felicity covered the speaker with her hand and rolled her eyes. "How could the police do this! Lance is supposed to be on our side!"

"Felicity, honey, breathe, okay? You know that stress is bad for the babies," Shado put her hands on Felicity's shoulders and felt her relax.

Lance informed her, "I'm at the station right now, how soon will you be here?"

Felicity hung up on him. "I don't understand, Shado, how they could do something like this," Felicity teared up. "I don't know how they could've killed him."

"You don't know that there isn't a way to bring him back, Felicity, all in good time," Shado put her arms wrapped around Felicity's shoulders and walked her out of the club, away from any electronic device.

"How can you be so patient about this?"

"Because I have faith that one day, it'll all work out." Shado opened the door for Felicity and saw her wrap her arms around her stomach, protectively. "You and Oliver's love have touched us all, Felicity. Roy and Thea, Walter, Diggle and Carly and their two kids... Sara and Nyssa, look how human Nyssa's gotten over the past couple years. She comes to holidays, she feels at home with you and Oliver and your family."

"Our family," Felicity corrected, numbly. Her mind was wandering so many places, her ears were barely listening to the conversation.

"I have to go see Lance, I'll be back later," Felicity walked out with steam coming out of her ears.

How could they? The question hung in her head, unanswered. This doesn't make any sense, Lance and Oliver are on good terms, why would he expose him? He didn't know who Oliver was, but I thought that he wouldn't of had a problem with him being the Arrow. Lance knows how Oliver changed from coming back from the Island. This all isn't adding up...

Felicity crawled inside her Jeep and turned the keys in the ignition. Her thoughts carried her away, past all reason and came up with many plans that could've been possible, others - not so much.

Felicity was driving toward the station but took a detour that led her past a black SUV on the street. Taking a turn onto Clock-tower Lane, Felicity put the car into park and stepped out. She took a deep gulp and wandered up the stairs, through the door and into the Clock Tower.

Felicity walked in to a warm comforting entry way filled with book cases and a small Apple Computer on a brown desk for her to use when she was hanging here with the kids while they were sleeping. Felicity walked to the right and saw her children's' nursery, a blue and purple wooden framed cradle for them to sleep in when Felicity spent her days here. Upstairs was her study, not that their wasn't room in the Queen Mansion, but this was more of a home for her on the lonely sentimental days. I mean, who wouldn't want to live in a Clock Tower?

Oliver, she thought to herself with a smile.

Felicity didn't know why she decided to come here, but while she was here, she walked up the stairs with careful footing and into her study with a bed in the corner. Felicity smiled at all the memories that were here in this place and continued to walk around some. She tidied everything and put it and re-put it back in it's place. From the top of a shelf, Felicity reached up high and pulled on a shoe box that had a the titles "Dear Oliver Letters"...

Felicity didn't remember writing them at first, but then she removed the top lid and dug through them. There were several letters in the box, too many that the lid was already falling off before Felicity removed it. She checked the date on many and found one dated back three and a half years ago.

"Dear Oliver,

I'm getting better in my self-defense classes - I hope you're proud of me. I hit a bullseye on a moving target today and Steve and I went out to diner to celebrate! It's been a while since I've seen you, too long."

Felicity closed the letter and opened another.

"Dear Oliver,

I haven't been feeling the best, there's a bug going around and I went to Dr. Light to check it out."

"Dear Oliver,

Even though Dr. Light warned me not to go, I did. I know I can handle a stupid flu, and I want to prove that I can survive in the wild. Sorry that it has to be your wild, but when I got asked it there was any specific place I wanted to go, The Island slipped from my mouth without me stopping it."

"Dear Oliver,

It's late in October and I've met a new friend here on Lain Yu. Her name is Senka.

Even though you survived here for a four years, and you said it was a cold black hell, I find it kind of beautiful. Of course, I'm not being chased by crazy men wanting to kill me, but every now and then Shield Agents do drop in on the plane we are staying in and attack us. They attacked us last night and Senka's a pretty good fighter. She's taught me a thing or two about using a bow, one I use in your honor."

Felicity closed the envelopes and tucked them back away in the shoe box.

"Oh... My... Lanta..." she whispered and huffed a big breath of relief. "I don't have our story written down in a book," Felicity remembered how Sara and Nyssa shared a big brown leather bounded book with all their days written down. "I have my letters..."

Suddenly, the mountain didn't look so big in front of her and she was ready to to climb...

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