Chapter 12

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When Felicity's friend, Carly, had just had her baby, Diggle and Carly needed some alone time to spark up that romantic flame. Nine months of no sex with a married couple isn't exactly a bad thing, but with Carly and Diggle it's unthinkable and they needed some alone parent time.

Felicity and Oliver ended up being on babysit duty, Felicity was willing to do that and she was eager to go back to babysitting. She bought her first car off babysitting sitting money. After a few hours of Oliver touring the city for trouble, Oliver came back from the foundry, exhausted and he peeked in on Felicity who was singing a song to the baby.

~Testify to Love : Touched by an Angel~

"All the colors of the rainbow,

All the voices of the wind;

Every dream that reaches out,

That reaches out to find where love begins.

Every word of every story,

Every star in every sky,

Every corner of creation lives to testify."

Felicity held the baby close to her chest and rocked her up and down and then did the trick of the wave swooshing her from side to side.

"For as long as I shall live,

I will testify to love.

I'll be a witness in the silences

When words are not enough.

With every breath I take,

I will give thanks to God above.

For as long as I shall live,

I will testify to love.

"From the mountains to the valleys,

From the rivers to the sea;

Every hand that reaches out,

Every hand that reaches out to offer peace;

Every simple act of mercy,

Every step to kingdom come;

All the hope in every heart will speak what love has done."

"Beautiful song, beautiful girl," Oliver walked into the room and Felicity jumped a little and stopped bouncing the baby.

"What are you doing up, Oliver, you should be getting some sleep," Felicity whispered as Rosaline eye's eyes blinked, awake, and her head rested in the crook of her arm.

"Do you want me to try?" He pointed to the baby in her arms, but ignored her comment about sleep with a simple shrug.

"Why not? More practice, right?" Felicity smiled and handed the little Rosaline over to Oliver's strong capable arms. Within a few moments, Rosaline's eyes closed, sound asleep. "I'm impressed, Oliver, never pegged you for a Daddy type of guy," Felicity bit her lip to keep from smiling.

"Thanks, Felicity," Oliver laughed softly, rolled his eyes and set the baby in the crib. "Lookie here, as snug as a bug in a rug. . ." Oliver and Felicity both towered over the chocolate baby girl and watched her open her mouth to sigh in her sleep. "Makes you think, doesn't it?" Oliver glanced up at Felicity to see her beautiful blue eyes still stare down at the baby wrapped in a soft pink blanket.

"How could it not?"

"You'd make a great mom, you know that, right?" Oliver cocked his head to the side and imagined his wife pregnant with their child.

Felicity barked a laugh. "Ha!" Felicity glanced up to see Oliver's straight face, and her humor fell away. "Wait, your serious?" Oliver nodded. "We... Oliver," Felicity shook her head. "We're not ready."

"We've been married for a while, Felicity, and you've already been pregnant. The city is slowing down in crime. You're working more from home now, anyway. How much more ready could we be?"

"A few months isn't 'a while', Oliver, it's just not time yet," Felicity tried to soften the conversation and try and sweep it under the rug.

"I know we haven't talked about it yet, and I knew we both said that we would wait, I do remember that, but..." Oliver looked up to the ceiling, almost like he wanted a sign. "Sometimes I wonder what we're waiting for."

Felicity puffed air through her lips and bangs in front of her eyes moved. "A house, for one," Felicity pointed out. "I mean, we're living at the Clock Tower, but you want to live in the Queen Mansion. Why not? Then we have to move - there's just so much to do, yet, Oliver, and maybe build some money?"

Oliver gave her a long sideways glance. "We're billionaires, Felicity, I don't think we're gonna get anymore rich. Money is definitely not a problem."

"Yeah, but still-"


Felicity swallowed and deeply drew in a breath. "You... You're really planning for the future, huh, hon?"

"Just thinking ahead, that's all," Oliver put his hands up and walked over to her on the other side of the nursery.

"It's... It's not the right time," Felicity said again. She wanted to put the subject out of their mind, she didn't want to think about it now. Maybe not ever. She was so devastated when she lost their baby, it was all her fault - what if she did it again?

"When then?" Oliver hinted and hoped that she would give him an answer.

Felicity almost yelled inside the small care-free room, "Well, Oliver, you can't really make me put a clock on it."

Oliver put his hands on Felicity and rubbed over her arms. "The heart tells you when you're ready, Felicity," he told her.

"I'm just not there yet, Oliver," she shook her head and looked away.

"I think this has something to do with the last time, am I wrong?" Oliver knew that it was a touchy subject for Felicity, but he handled it with care. They were married now, and there was nothing that they haven't talked about.

Felicity hung her head in shame and she looked away. A tear fell from our eyes. "What if... What if I didn't lose the baby because of Light, what if I lost the baby because something was wrong?"

"Wrong how?" He walked behind her and held her close to his chest.

"Wrong with me? What if I can't have kids?" Oliver huffed a soft laugh. "Why are you laughing at me?" Felicity swatted his shoulder. "I'm being serious!"

"I'm not laughing at you, but at your worry and pure heart," Oliver wrapped his arms under Felicity's breasts and lifted her up and spun her around. "We will have children, Felicity. I promise. We will have boys, and girls and we'll have ten kids if you want!"

"Whoa, hold your horses!" Felicity laughed as the couple rocked out the room and into the hall.

"Well, I can do that too, and we can adopt some! You know that we have the room for a Brady Bunch, I'm game for whatever you want," Oliver offered her a genuine nice, honest, heartwarming smile. "I love you," he crooned in her ear.

"I know," Felicity whispered back. "And I couldn't be more happy about that..."

Felicity ran inside to where Lance was waiting and marched right up to him. In a strong voice, she demanded his attention.

"We need to talk," she crossed her arms over her chest and the look in her eye was bitter with betrayal.

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