Chapter 27

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She was running so fast, she almost flew on top of the sidewalk. She had places to be, people to protect. She could tell they needed her as the sirens passed her sprinting feet and rolled down the street. She ran faster. But who was she? Sin? Or Raven? A mixture of both? It had been such a long time since anyone had called her that name, she relished in the sound of her birth name on a familiar tongue.

Where were her friends? She knew they weren't defenseless but they were stronger together, as a team. Where were they? She checked the corners and soon she felt the familiar darkness stir instead of her. Her own fresh brewed freakishness of her own personal weird. Why couldn't she have the abilities that her friends had, they're curses were at least cool. Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputi, other wise known as Colossus, had the ability to made his whole body into a strong type of metal that was bulletproof. His gifts came in handy from time to time running from the cops. Johnathan Storm, aka The Human Torch, could turn his whole body into some fire breathing volcano. He was also her on again, off again (currently on again) boyfriend. Starfire, her best friend, had the ability to be bad ass with her alien-like powers. What did Raven have? She was the hybrid born spawn of a demon from hell. Fun.

Her hands glowed black and for once she didn't cry about the black hole she felt in her heart. Everything bad about the man in front of her came snapping back to her. How he killed her sweet innocent six year old sister because of her physic ability. She could remember how her sister felt cold to touch after the bullets were placed in her chest.

"Get away from her!" Raven didn't know if she was talking about her dead sister, or Starfire, but she wanted him gone. "She isn't apart of this!" In a screams, Raven raised her hand. Like a shadow, the cop car lifted off the ground and flew in the cop's direction until he let the poor innocent girl go. Stunned from seeing such evil magic, the cop pulled out his gun and prepared to fire.

"Sin!" Roy cried from behind them before he saw the cop aiming right as his old friend. "Wait, stop! Sin! Don't!"

Before Roy could take another step, the three other members in the group came together behind Raven and surrounded the cop and his far off partner.

"You hunt us down, and expect us to keep running? I haven't felt the sun on my face for twelve days! We can't hide anymore!" Raven screamed and flew her hand forward, sending the bullet that fired from the gun backward into his chest.

"NO!" Felicity screamed after them and rushed to the cops side. She cradled his head and wasted no time telling whoever would listen, "Roy, call 911." Putting pressure on his wound, she felt the sticky redness on her hands.

"Why would you shoot him?" she screamed up at Raven. "You're just a kid, why would you do that? If he dies, do you know what this will mean for you? You'll be arrested!"

"They'll never catch us," Raven stepped back, surrounded with her four friends. "We're the Titans, we disappear like shadows and attack like stone. They won't catch us."

"Why did you do this?" Felicity asked with tears running down her face. She was thinking of his wife and child at home, they'd never get to see him again...

Felicity looked into Raven's eyes and she saw danger there, a darkness that blanketed her innocence and pain. Raven's eyes were meticulous, hurt, and scared. Felicity didn't know what the young girl was scared about, but she recognized the look from several years ago when a man almost raped her and made her miscarriage her baby at the time. Beside from the girls native american skin, brown eyes, black short curly hair and age, Felicity somehow thought they were a lot alike.

Felicity had been standing in Raven's shoes some time, and although she didn't have the guts to release that arrow, Raven did for some horrible reason. It wasn't the right thing to do, but if Felicity could shine her light through the darkness then she might be able to save this girl.

"I know he did something horrible to you," Felicity started off.

Raven took a step forward to Felicity, peering over her. Something inside Raven told her to hit Felicity, but the other side felt guilty for even thinking about it.

"You don't know anything," Raven growled.

"I do, though, the same thing happened to me. I lost someone I loved and I can't get them back. A man took that from me, but right now you have the chance to repent for your action," Felicity tried to keep the urgent tone from her voice, but she didn't want to lose this girl to what seemed to be mirthless friends.

"Someone killed your six year old sister?"

"No," Felicity said sharply. "Someone killed my child."

Raven was quiet. Suddenly, her guilt seemed to lessen in knowing that someone had lost someone more precious.

"She was like my child..." Raven whispered.

"And a cop took her from you?"

Raven just nodded.

"Sin," Roy caught her attention. "Come with us, we can go home. You don't have to live in darkness, we can get you a clean record and work this out."

"I don't need your pity," Raven hissed.

"It's not pity, Raven, it's help... Look at me," Felicity struggled to her feet and lended the young girl her hand. "Do you think I'd lend someone pity?"

Raven looked at the scars on Felicity's body and something in side her clicked. It was more like a magnet drawing them together. Was this fate? Meeting someone just like her? Inside Felicity's swirling blue eyes, she saw a life raft that could keep her from drowning. She saw a solid gold streak of light, a candle in the darkness.

"Do you think she's a fool?" Jonny asked. "She won't fall for that."

"She's already fallen too far, I'm not asking her to fall any further," Felicity said without taking her eyes off Raven. Her friend wasn't important, it was Raven's choice.

"Then what are you asking of me?" Sin whispered under her breath.

Felicity extended both her hands out in a cradling motion. "To let me catch you if you can't fly..."

Sin took a step toward Felicity and quickly glanced at Roy. "What about them?" Sin asked, looking back at her friends.

"They're welcome to come if you do," Felicity nodded.

With a crossing of her arms, Sin questioned, "Why would I trust you?"

Roy smiled and shrugged, "We aren't asking you to do that, either."

What Felicity liked about Roy is that he was always real. She could read his thoughts better than she could read a book. She loved him like a brother, son, friend and they were all in this together. She could see that he knew a side of Sin that not everyone else did, but that wasn't a bad thing.

"Just trust yourself," Felicity guided the girl. 

In one of Felicity's extended hands, it became warm with a filling of a palm.

Sav•ior Arrow (Oliver and Felicity -Olicity- Fanfiction) ~3rd in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now