Chapter 31

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"There's no need to run." The boy said, "we all know that you are planning to get to our headquarters. We are planning to, too. Friend." He walked towards them, gun still on his hand when he pulled the trigger. "But hey, we prefer having you lying horizontally instead."

"What are you here for?" Aerie took the chance and asked, "what do you want people like Cade for?"

"Oh, him?" The boy replied, "for a lot of different reasons. First off he's worthy for our experiments. But we aren't psychopaths, really. We don't murder for no reason and just for fun."

"But even that, you still could not compose yourself to tell me the exact reason why you, and your colleagues that I have no idea how many, wants to do with immortals." Aerie said, taking a step back.

"I cant tell you." He replied simply, "I am only a prawn in this game. There's nothing that I can tell you, or I am going to see my little brother really soon."

"How horrible you brother could possibly be for you to be more willing to take part in murder than seeing him?" Aerie questioned, crossing her hands in front of her as she asked. Cade said nothing, but he looked around for hints of how many more people there were in here and when they were planning to strike.

"My little brother's dead. Thank you for bringing it up, ginger girl." The boy- man, now that he took his cap off and tightened hai hair, he looked much older, much more mature. "And those on the top would definitely be the ones who sent me to him if I ever told you. Lovelock, especially. You must have definitely heard of her name, she's brutal."

"Lovelock? Again?" Aerie asked, "other than her, are there anyone else in your tiny Association?"

"Don't ask any further," He said, "enough is enough."

'Apparently they are pretty close to having everyone here.' Cade whispered. "We will have to go now or never."

Aerie nodded gently, gesturing to him that she understood the message,  "What do you mean enough is enough? I want to know, and you better tell me."

"You really want to know, ginger girl?" He said, "then you better come closer, cause I'm afraid that you'll not hear clearly."

"Well then i'm sorry-" Aerie yelled. Without any warning, she immediately turned and ran with the fastest speed that she could manage. The two of them darted up the stairs, running towards the end of it. The man was left surprised, but it did not took long. He immediately make his firsts shot, which it went through the air and shot a hole in the wall right behind them.

More followed. It was the first time Aerie ran with people actually chasing after her- not to say that they were very heavily armed and were willing to shot them. Somewhere inside her heart, she was thrilled. It felt exhilarating when she was dodging. And in the other side of her heart, she was having butterflies in her stomach.

If the bullets would shot her, it would anyways. First off, she had never been trained to dodge bullets. And second of all, she wasn't even looking back, which significantly increases the chance of her getting hit. It would either be them not aiming at her or they really did not intend on hurting her.

Aerie hoped to be the latter, actually. In common sense, they would want the to hit the one next to her instead, but he seemed fine even when some of the shots were so close that there was a small scratch on his face when Aerie turned to look again.

There was when the two of them made a right turn, Aerie could see that there was one of the black suited man shooting right into her face. The bullet landed on the wall barely one inch next to her left eye. Aerie was absolutely sure that its as that moment that she scratched the idea of actually thinking that they would not injure her.

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