Chapter one

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Part one,
Silk of Flame.

Hawker's POV

Hawker stood at the check point, letting SilkWings into the Hive. As he waited, he started to become confused.

Dewdrop wasn't there. But where was she?
Dewdrop was a really pretty SilkWing. She would walk through here every morning to come to school. He would check, again and again, that she was still Dewdrop and not someone else.

Then every evening, she would come back through the check point, and go to her nest. 

An emerald green dragon came rushing up to the check point. She was panting, and had to stop for a moment to catch her breath before showing him her wristband and palm.

Then she hurried past, her talons thumping the treestuff floors.

That, he knew, was Elfin, Dewdrop's friend. Hawker was very proud of his skill to memorize every dragon he saw. He called it, AlwaysRemember.

"Excuse me!" Hawker called after Elfin.

"Yes? What is it? I'm in a sort of hurry..." Elfin asked.

"Where is Dewdrop?" He asked.

"It's Dewdrop's metamorphosis day!" Elfin called back.

How did I forget?! The one metamorphosis day I want to remember, and yet I forget it.
Arrrg. Wait— this means I won't be able to see her tonight!

A few more dragons came to the check point, and a strange looking SilkWing with very green scales.

"Name?" Hawker asked.

"It's Caterpillar , sir." The dragon said. he showed him the letters on his palm.

A C, for his name, forming a triangle with a smaller B, and Z, for his parents names.

Hawker checked to see if he has a wrist cuff, he did, so hawker let him through.

"Hey! Hawker!" Someone said.
Hawker turned around to find Spider standing behind him, along with another HiveWing named Locust.

"Locust is going to take over your position for the rest of the day!" Spider said cheerfully.

"I volunteered to." Locust clarified.
" I just started training. Damselfly thinks this is good training."

"Ok." Hawker said. He was glad to have the day off, but noticed that Spider was jumping around more then usual. Normally, If Spider wanted to tell him something, he would do it right away.

"Let's go get honey drops." He volunteered. Then, in a lower voice, "we can talk then."

The two Hivewings walked away, their talonsteps thumping down the treestuff hall.

"So what is it?" Hawker asked, after they had gotten their honey drops, and sat down in a neighborhood park.

"Everyone's talking about it!" Spider told him.

"One of the three SilkWings going through metamorphosis today is a flamesilk!" Spider told him.

"Who?" Hawker asked, with a sinking feeling in his gut.

"That one silver one— Dewdrop."

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