Chapter 6

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Hawker's POV

They stood on the ledge of the upper most level of the hive, savanna winds tussling Hawkers wings.

Their plan was simple. Fly across the savanna at night, hide during the day, in order to get to the poison jungle. One they were there, they could get help.

"But there's one problem." Elfin had said. "How do I fly?"

"You're metamorphosis is day after tomorrow, right?" Hawker had asked.

"Yes, so that's a problem to." Elfin agreed.

"So we wait." Pine had said. "SilkWings take 5 days inside a cocoon, right? We'll have to wait until Elfin gets her wings. Once she does, Dewdrop will have only been out for a day or two. That's our best bet."


Now, a week later, a VERY,
VERY, WAY TO LONG, week later, they stood at the ledge of the hive. About to basically leave their lives, and everything they knew behind. Yay.

Pine leapt out first, hovering, and waited to support Elfin if she fell.

But Elfin didn't fall. Her wing beats were slightly unsteady at first, but grew stronger as they flew.

Hawker was nervous, definitely , but the journey had a sort of adventurous feel about it, which gave him a rush of adrenaline.

Finally, finally, he was free. Free to disobey the hive rules, and rescue the dragon he loved!

He wished he didn't have to rescue her though. If the hive rules were different, if he could be with her, and she could live as a normal dragon, selling her flamesilk to help others, as a dragon might sell fruit, or pottery!

But he couldn't concern himself with what might have been.
He lived in the world he lived in now, and he had to deal with that world and all of its problems.
Or, maybe, try to solve them. A small voice in his head whispered. Try to save everyone, not just Dewdrop.

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