Chapter 18

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Dewdrop's POV

"We have to warn them." Dewdrop said.

"But do we really? We don't know if they are bad, or if they deserve this." GoldSpot said.

"Maybe they are bad, but there are small dragonets, and eggs, and dragons who did nothing wrong. We can't let their city go up in flames." Dewdrop said.

"Ok." GoldSpot agreed. "How do we get there?"

"We can show you." Emerald and Topaz appeared in the doorway.

"Did you know about this?" GoldSpot hissed.

"No. None of us do. We just overheard, like you did. We've been trying to figure out what to do since then." Emerald explained. He took a unconscious step towards Topaz, and she put her wing around him.

"We always thought that we were a great tribe, but now..." she trailed off.

"It's ok. I know how it feels." GoldSpot said. "My tribe did some terrible things in the past, and are still doing terrible things now. But that doesn't mean I'm like them. Your tribe does not define you." 
GoldSpot twined her tail around Topaz's.

"Follow us, and stay quiet."
They walked through the halls, until they heard a shout from. Behind them.

"They're going to warn them!!!" Someone yelled.

Sapphire roared.
Two dragons came wizzing into the corridor.

"Run, run, RUN!" Topaz yelled. She turned around and spread her wings.
One guard came flinging at her, talons outstretched, but they had turned the corner, and soon Dewdrop couldn't see what was happening.

They flew out over the city, and the whole time, Emerald was muttering, "why didn't I stay? Why didn't I help her?"

"Don't worry." Dewdrop said. "Topaz will be alright. I saw her fight that crystal-tail, she can handle herself."

"I know." Sighed Emerald. "I'm no good at fighting either. But I still feel like I should have helped."

They landed in a tunnel leading away from the city. Once they had turned a few corners, Emerald lit up his scales.
Green light filled the tunnel.

"Wow." GoldSpot breathed. "I wish I could do that!"

"The CavernWing city is this way." Emerald said. "But we have to hurry. Now that they know we know, and are going to go warn them, they are going to attack right away."

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