Chapter 14

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Dewdrop's POV

Dewdrop walked along side GoldSpot as they followed the CavernWing.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Topaz." The dragon replied.

"What's life like underground?" GoldSpot asked.

"Well, it's dark, but we can all see in the dark. Also, we can do this." She concentrated, and her yellow gem scales started to glow.

"Wow." Dewdrop said, impressed.

"We also have special jobs that you probably don't have. I'm a Crystalline Defender. We protect the tribe from CrystalTails. Those are the monster you two encountered earlier."

"Do you also protect the tribe from other dragons?" GoldSpot asked.

"No, WingGuards do that. They are like our army, and they protect us from inside and outside threats."

"Is there another tribe who lives underground?" Dewdrop asked.

"Kinda. We have always lived underground, but we didn't believe in the ways of our other tribe, so we ran off, to form our own tribe. Our leader meets with Diamond every Bat-Cycle."

"What's a Bat-Cycle?" Dewdrop asked.

"We have no way to see the sun or the sky, but there is a special type of bat down here, that goes from the MoonLake to the SunPool every 25 days. We call two of those rotations a Bat-Cycle."

"Cool!" GoldSpot said. "I noticed that you call your leader Sapphire. Are they your queen?"

"We don't have queens. Sapphire was elected. We just call her Leader. It's the same with the other tribe."  

They walked in silence for a while, then Topaz asked "what's it like above ground?"

"Well, we have the sun, and the sky above us, but we live in very tall buildings called hives. There are 9 hives across the savanna. Each has its own leader, but we have only one queen."
GoldSpot explained.

"Do you have any trees?" Topaz asked. "I've always wanted to see one, but we only have mushrooms down here."

"Uhmmm. No... there was a terrible war 50 years ago, and Queen Wasp ordered all the trees to be cut down. The Leafwings — dragons who live in trees — were devastated." GoldSpot explained quietly.

"Oh. That's really sad." Topaz said.
"Here we are!" She exclaimed.

They walked into a large cavern, filled with glowing crystals. The moment they walked inside, Topaz's scales started glowing, and she lifted her head, calling to someone on the balcony of a crystal house.

"Emerald! look at this! I found dragons from the Overworld!" Topaz called.

"Wow! Bring them here!" Emerald called, waving his talon to beckon them inside.

They stepped in the front door, and Dewdrop looked around curiously. There was a table, a few chairs, a counter, and a small carved dragon sculpture on the ground.

Emerald appeared on the top of the stairs, and waved them up. His scales were gray, with green spots. His wings were also gray, but darker, almost black.
His eyes glowed a vibrant green.

(Anyone surprised?)

GoldSpot wandered over to a shelf looking at a small blue stone.

"What's this?" She asked.

"That? Oh, it's just a stone I found. I like it, because it matches Topaz's eyes." Emerald flicked his tail at Topaz, but she just rolled her eyes.

Dewdrop had a feeling that this dragon, was in love with Topaz.
100% in love with Topaz, actually.

"What don't you tell them where you found it? That's a cool story." Topaz suggested.

"Ok! So I was swimming in my favorite underground lake. I liked it because it has glowing fish in it.
I was swimming, and I saw something that was not moving, yet still glowing, unlike everything else in the pool.
So I swam down and picked it up."
Emerald explained.

"It's not that exciting." He said.

"Is there a library here?" Dewdrop asked. "I want to learn more about this place." She said with awe.

"Sure, we can all go." Topaz said.

"yay!" Emerald said. "I love the library!"

Topaz led the way out of the house, and they all followed. They walked through the glowing city, and stopped in front of a large crystal.

"This is it." Topaz said.
They walked inside, and Dewdrop gasped. There were books EVERYWHERE. On tables made of obsidian, stacked on shelves of amber, and even piled in corners, with dragons sitting on little mats next to them.

GoldSpot walked over to an empty mat and touched it lightly.
"It's so soft..." she said. "What's it made out of?"

"Spider silk, from the Giant Spiders." Emerald said. "We have a spider farm here for that exact reason."

"Oh..." GoldSpot said. She withdrew her talon from the mat.

"Scared of Spiders?" Emerald asked.
"I am to, don't worry."

"Hey GoldSpot!" Dewdrop said. "I found a book on rocks."
Topaz and Emerald rolled their eyes at each other, then walked off to go find a book.

GoldSpot walked over and sat next to Dewdrop. "Let's look at rocks, shall we?" GoldSpot asked.

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