Chapter 24

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Hawker's POV

"Sapphire?" Quartz said. "What are you doing here?" She took a step back.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sapphire growled.
She stepped into the light of the glow stone. The light illuminated the crown on her head.
"I'm the queen of these dragons!"

"But I thought the CrystallineWings didn't have queens." Quartz murmured.

"The CrystallineWings had an election a few years back." Sapphire explained.
"They wanted a queen, one who could help them take over the CavernWings."

"But why would you help them?"  Quartz asked.

"I had been meeting a dragon named Turquoise for a few years. Remember her?" Sapphire asked.


"We weren't just 'friends'. We were together. But when I told Mother that, she told me I had to stop meeting her, and that two dragons of the same gender couldn't be together." Sapphire growled.

"What?!" Shrieked Pine.

"Oh." Said Quartz.

"Anyway. We ran away to the Crystallinewings. They welcomed us, and didn't mind that we were together. Lots of dragons of the same gender were together, actually."
Sapphire explained.

"When they held election for the first Queen, i decided to run. And I won. I vowed to take down the Cavernwings, and Mother, for what they did to me. And now I have!!!"
Sapphire growled, turning to Quartz.

" I get what Mother did to you, and I understand why you're upset-"

"YOU DON'T GET IT! You were always mom's favorite-"
Sapphire started.

"I was banished from the kingdom for something I couldn't control!!!" Quartz roared.

"Even so, when you're banishment was over, you could come back, and be with anyone you want!!!" Sapphire roared back.

"YOU DON'T GET IT! I don't have romantic feelings for anyone! I'm aromantic! I was pretending to love that frog-head from class, so Mom would be happy!!!" 
Quartz yelled.

"Uhm, Quartz..." Hawker muttered.
The ground was beginning to glow.

"I DIDN'T WANT TO BE WOTH ANYONE!" Quartz shouted.

A small mushroom popped out of the ground.
And another.
And another.


"QUARTZ!!!!" Sapphire shouted.
A huge mushroom burst from the ground, growing at speeds no mushroom had ever grown at before.

Sapphire grabbed her sister's talon and threw her off the mushroom.
Quartz flapped in mid-air, and watched, as the mushroom grew and grew.

Then something strange happened.
Sapphire started growing too. Soon, her back as arched against the ceiling, and was supporting the tunnel as more mushrooms grew all around them.

A small head looked out from behind the broken door.

"TOPAZ!!" Emerald chirped.

"Emerald! What's going on?" Topaz said.

"Quartz and Sapphire got in an argument, and Quartz's Glowtouch took control. I don't think she knows how to stop it." Emerald whispered.

"TAKE TOPAZ AND GET OUT OF HERE!" Sapphire roared.

"SAPPHIRE!!" A voice yelled.

Turquoise appeared in the tunnel. "What's going on?" She asked. "Never mind."

Turquoise's spots started glowing.
Ice spread out from her talons, and started surrounding the mushrooms around her and Sapphire.

"You all get out of here." Turquoise growled. "We'll support the city and stop the mushrooms."

Quartz nodded, and turned around. The others followed her into the tunnels.

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