Chapter 7

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Dewdrop's POV

It was bright, so bright. The cavern may as well have been made of bright glowing rocks, the air hot, and humid.

Dewdrop sat in a corner, listening in on the guards talking, her ruined wings resting on her back.

"What we gonna do 'bout her?" Asked one guard, his tone gravely and rough.
"It would've mattered if she 'ad no wings! But her silk, that's 'nother story there."

"In other words, she's useless." A different guard snapped. Her tone was more sharp, and slightly high pitched, as though she were about to cry.
"Wasp might have us kill her if she finds out."

"Have any other dragons had this condition?" Asked a third.

"I don't know." Replied the second.
"She's so young."

Dewdrop had heard enough. If she wanted to live, she had to escape, that was clear enough. And if she wanted to stay sane, she needed to do two things.

One : talk to another dragon. That would probably help.

Two : not think about everything that was happening, just tackle one problem at a time. The current one being escaping.

Dewdrop had tried to sleep, and had managed it a few times, but she mostly woke up screaming, her dreams haunted by empty wingless dragons.

She had walked around the cave, climbing at times to get to higher ledges, yet found nothing. Not even a crack in the wall.

So her other options were either fighting, which probably wouldn't work, considering there were WAY TO MANY DRAGONS OUT THERE.

So the only other option she could see was trying to convince a guard to let her out.


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