Chapter 11

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Hawker's POV

"What is going on here?!" A new voice said. The voice was followed by a head, neck, wings, and body of a dragon that looked incredibly like Quartz.

"Hi Saphire..." Quartz muttered.
Hawker looked at the new dragon. Though she was clearly related to Quartz in some way, her scale colors were different. She had brown scales, and gray wings, unlike Quartz's gray scales and brown wings, with blue dots instead of white.

"This is Sapphire." Quartz said. "My older sister, who is soooooo smart and knows everything about everything and can do no wrong and is soooooo perfect." Quartz's voice was laced with sarcasm.

"Why must you talk to every strange dragon you meet down here?!" Sapphire growled. "First that strange red dragon, then these strangers. Do you have no intention to protect our tribe?!"

"Of course I'll protect our tribe!" Quartz growled back. "But these guys were lost, starving, and the green one with two wings looks almost dead.
Even you should be able to tell he has the sun in his wings." She gestured to Pines wings, which were drooping on the ground.
"Besides, these dragons are from the SurfaceLands. They've seen the Sun!"

Hawker was surprised to hear that she had never seen the sun, but after a second of thinking about it, it made sense. These weren't Surface dragons. These were CavernWings, dragons who lived in tunnels. No wonder that hadn't seen the sun.

"Fine." Sapphire was saying. "We'll take them to meet Diamond."


GoldSpot and Dewdrop were talking. This has become a daily activity that Dewdrop quite enjoyed.

GoldSpot had admitted that she thought that everything that was happening to the SilkWings was unfair, and wanted to help Dewdrop.

It turned out, that she was the dragon who sounded like she was going to cry, when Dewdrop had overheard the guards talking.

"There is a way out." She whispered to Dewdrop one afternoon.
"There is a tunnel, right underneath the Hive. It's very old, and somewhat collapsed, but I've gone exploring, and it leads towards the Poison Jungle."

"Really?" Dewdrop whispered.

"Yes. I have friends, they're ready to cause a diversion right now, if you're ready. And I'll go with you. I need to get out of this place as well."

"Ok." She whispered. "I'm ready.
GoldSpot and Dewdrop left their meeting place, GoldSpot walking like a normal HiveWing guard, and Dewdrop trailing behind.

GoldSpot tapped her tail on the ground three times, and two guards left the group. Something crashed, and most of the guards left to go see what was happening. Only one remained.
GoldSpot nodded to the guard, and he looked away, apparently uninterested.

Dewdrop followed GoldSpot to a corner of the cave where a small hole in the ground opened up.
She dug her talons into the hole and lifted a not-so- tightly- fit - in piece of rock from the side.

Dewdrop slid in, and GoldSpot followed.

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