Chapter 9

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Part two. Under the Savanna.

Hawker's POV

The darkness surrounded Hawker on all sides, like a blanket of storm clouds. He could hear water in the distance, and bats squeaking through out the caves.

No one spoke. It was like the darkness sucked out all sound as well, as though the only noise it would permit were the noises it chose for it's underground kingdom. 

He heard Elfin stop. In fact, she stopped so suddenly that she bumped into Pine, who bumped into Hawker, who lost his footing and fell down.

A few rocks rolled across the ground as he fell creating echos that danced in his ears like ripples on water.

"Don't move." Elfin whispered.
"There's a cliff here, and I don't know anything more. We have to go back. We have no light, and I can hardly see."

"Ok." Pine whispered. "We went in a straight line, so we should have no problem getting back out."

Elfin backed up a few steps, and so did Pine and Hawker.

They all turned around, and Elfin took the lead again.

After a while, Elfin stopped. "How long has it been?" She whispered.

"Longer then it took to get there, that's for sure." Hawker said. His AlwaysRemember could kinda keep track of time as well, but it seemed muffled by the cave.

"But we walked in a straight line!" Pine said.

"It may have seemed like that," Elfin said. "But we walked in a twisting line, and I'm sure there were other tunnels."

Hawker had a bad feeling in his gut. "Don't say we're ..." he started.

"Yes." Pine agreed.

"We're lost in the tunnels ." Elfin finished for them.


Dewdrop walked up to one of the guards. Here goes... something. She thought.
"Hello!" She tried saying.

"Hi." One of the guards said.

"Can— can I talk to you, alone?" Dewdrop asked.

"Ok." The guard said. She followed Dewdrop to a ledge not far away. "What is it — and make it quick."

"What's going to happen to me?" Dewdrop asked. "I'm probably not going to have Silk. Or wings!"

"I don't know." She said.

Dewdrop had the feeling that the guard did know, but wasn't telling her. "Will I be killed?"

" ..." the silence told Dewdrop all she needed to know.

"When?"  She asked.

"Probably in a few weeks." The guard told her.

"What's your name?" Dewdrop asked.


"Can you talk to me later? I understand you're busy." Dewdrop asked hopefully.
Even though this dragon was a HiveWing guard, maybe she would let something slip.

"Ok, if I have time." GoldSpot promised.
"What's you're name?"

"Dewdrop." Dewdrop said. A small flame of hope flickered within her.
Maybe, this dragon could help her, even if Hawker and Elfin couldn't.

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