Chapter 9 Signing a Contract

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He Xing received a package from the Imperial Star in the afternoon.

Not only a quantum computer but also a space button. The interstellar era has developed a space button, but even the civilian space button costs tens of thousands of star coins and there are only a few cubic metres of space available.

The one He Xing has is for military use with a larger and more stable space, everything inside is daily necessities common used by him. A large box of clothes, shoes and hats, a box of cleaning supplies, Shen Mian also saw various types of brushes in it and another box with a large number of special nutrient solutions of different flavours.

He Xing opened two special nutrient solutions.

Shen Mian, who was sitting at the table reading the information, heard the movement and turned back to see He Xing drinking a nutrient solution and an empty bag lying beside him.

Shen Mian, "..."

His gaze gradually became subtle – thankfully He Xing didn't live in Shen Mian's survival base otherwise the base wouldn't be able to even raise one person. Shen Mian, as the person responsible for the base, very likely would've strangled this unfortunate thing.

"Your friends packed so many things for you. Are they planning to abandon you and find another man?"

He Xing took out two pieces of clothing and looked at them, "I only asked him to send me a quantum computer, so why did they send so many things. These should've been packed by the housekeeper, those things wouldn't have thoroughly considered this much."

The young heir to the empire was so grounded that Shen Meng had forgotten that He Xing was a real "rich second generation"- the kind that inherited an empire.

"Mhm, I'll buy it," there was no second chair in the room so He Xing piled up two boxes and sat next to Shen Mian, "What are you looking at?"

Shen Mian was looking at various professional textbooks of the original owner. His memory is too fragmented to be useful at all so he must relearn all the courses of the original owner. Fortunately, he has a good memory, and he has finished memorizing the "Daily Care of Juvenile Gem Dragon".

Six and twelve years old is a special age for most dragons.

When the dragon family is between six and seven years old, the nature of this family will gradually appear. For example, the gem dragon can synthesize fuel after the age of six. After twelve years old, the dragon family can be anthropomorphic,

Gian grew up in the childcare centre and is six years old this year. According to the requirements of the empire, cubs with families must attend childcare centres between the ages of six and twelve. After they turn twelve, they will go to primary school and mingle with other dragons.

During the six years here, the centre is obliged to teach the young dragons to maintain a long-term anthropomorphic form, get along with its own racial characteristics, and understand the habits of other dragons.

"Gian is already six and some courses should be arranged," Shen Mian turned a page and marked the characteristics of the seven major genera of the Dragon race. "I have some special courses that I can't remember, so I have to read it again."

He Xing leaned back on the table and tilted his head to look at Shen Mian.

Shen Mian turned a blind eye and read a page in a few minutes, a small half of the page marked in red.

He Xing's tone is bitter, "Why did you ignore me?"

Shen Mian sat firmly, "Go out and play by yourself."

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