Chapter 50 Psychological Impact

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Rhein was a little dragon cub that only did things up to standard when asked. He was raised by Lansin to be gentle and polite and seemed to be a sociable little dragon cub. After spending a day or two with each other, Shen Mian and the dragon cubs discovered that Rhein's politeness was real and so was his estrangement.

Because of his abilities, Rhein has a certain affection for Shen Mian, but even so, his favourite thing to do after class every day was to find a place to rest in the plants in the backyard. He doesn't want to spend time with Shen Mian, and especially not with the other dragon cubs.

Gian and Lu Yuan invited Rhein to play Lurker in the mock battlefield arena. Rhein was a little embarrassed, flew farther away and kept bowing, "But I'm growing plants right now, I can't walk away."

Yan Tan asked Rhein to be his model. Rhein fell back and whispered, "I can't compare to Gian, he's more beautiful. Let him be your model."

Yan Tan scratched his head.

"But you're a different kind of beautiful."
He pointed to his eyes.

"The dean said that every dragon cub should have eyes that see beauty, that appreciate the beauty of uniqueness."

Rhein looked up.

"I'm sorry..."
He snuck a glance at Yan Tan, feeling that the other party's personality was surprisingly good.

Yan Tan smiled at him, "It's okay! I'm going to go find Gian and the others."

Xing Fei... the little girl didn't invite any dragon cubs because her body wasn't suitable for strenuous exercise and she preferred having the dean take her onto the rooftop rather than wrestling with the conqueror. When the dean was busy, Xing Fei found an interesting book to read and occasionally watched her brothers show off.

The three dragon cubs, Gian, Lu Yuan and Yan Tan, failed their invitations for the seventh time and stood dejectedly in front of Shen Mian.

Shen Mian, who had just received the childcare teacher's questionnaire from parents, put his quantum computer down and turned to the three cubs.
Large-sized dragon cubs were always alive and kicking when they were healthy. This was the first time Shen Mian had ever seen them show this expression at the same time.

Particularly lost, the kind where they looked like they doubted life.
Even the ever enigmatic and confident Lu Yuan kept his head down and ears pursed back.

Were you bullied by the little dragon cubs in the surrounding neighbourhood?

Gian held his two short arms, keeping his head down and not daring to look at Shen Mian.
He was the cub who had been at the centre the longest and had a strong sense of responsibility for the centre at heart. He believed that he should get along with the new cubs and that a lack of conflict will ease the burden on the dean.

He'd been doing well until Rhein arrived.

But this time...

The little dragon cub squeezed his claws.


Shen Mian scooped him into his arms, "What's wrong?"

Gian lowered his head and squeezed into Shen Mian's arms, feeling extremely lost.

"I'm too disappointing, I can't even make friends with the new dragon cub."
The current little gem dragon knew that even when he did something wrong, his dean wouldn't dislike him. So Gian could openly tell the dean what was bothering him.

Lu Yuan laid on Shen Mian's knees and explained, "Rhein doesn't want to play with us."

Yan Tan nodded and stroked the gem dragon's large tail soothingly.

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