Chapter 65 Not Familiar

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A new post had appeared in the Dragon Empire's anonymous exchange site:

[Help]: I bumped into the crown prince and he tied my daughter's hair. Should I take it apart now or not?

Referring to the question. The thing is this: Today I took my daughter to Ocean World to swim and my daughter's hair got tangled in the coral in the water cube. I was playing a game in the waiting area and didn't know, but it was the crown prince's family's dragon cub who found her... The crown prince even gave my daughter a bun hairstyle.

The accompanying picture showed the little girl's back, wearing a pretty little colourful dress and her black hair tied in two round buns with different hair ties.

The topic related to the Crown Prince immediately attracted a group of dragons, who clicked on the post.

1st Floor:
I don't believe it. How could it be so easy to meet him, unless you show me a picture?

2nd Floor:
Photos can be photoshopped, upload a video, you know what I mean?

3rd Floor:
He can even tie hair (horrified expression) I don't even know how to tie my daughter's hair... I'm going to die, now my wife has even more reasons to dislike me.

4th Floor:
Going off-topic for a bit, OP, how dare you play games while looking after your cub, you should be sleeping in the living room tonight, right?

No, I'm on the balcony.

Actually, there's a video.

Soon after, the OP uploaded a somewhat shaky video without the crown prince's face, just a pair of hands and the back of a little girl's head.

In the video, a voice familiar to most dragons explained, "You start by splitting the hair into two parts, tie them up separately and then you twist..."

"Yes, yes, I've remembered."

As the person videoing spoke, the camera shook a few times and a rare hybrid little girl flashed by in the video, with neatly tied buns. The sharp-eyed netizens immediately recognised her- it was Xing Fei!

If voices could be imitated, there was no way to fake the beautiful Xing Fei.
The OP really met the crown prince.

The netizens in the building were in a delicate mood: Ever since His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, made an appearance, he had been flying headlong down the road of collapsing the public's image of him.

182nd Floor:
So what, our crown prince is very versatile.


The night the little dragon cub's first trip ended, Shen Mian finished grading all the papers in passing.

There were only four courses in total, with a total of sixteen papers, so it was really easy to grade.

By the time He Xing returned from coaxing the dragon cubs, Shen Mian had placed aside three exam papers that had already been graded and the written language paper he was currently grading was the last of the exam papers.

He Xing randomly looked through a few of them. Xing Fei and Gian's exam papers were still very beautiful. Lu Yuan's written language course was only that little bit away from failing and if Shen Mian really deducted any more marks, this little fatty would fail the course.

The last one in Shen Mian's hand was Rhein's written language exam paper, which had been graded on the front and turned to the other side, which had a small essay that required three hundred words.

Shen Mian glanced at it and put down his pen.

He Xing, "What's wrong?"

Shen Mian leaned back on his chair. "I don't know what grade to give him."

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