Chapter 101 Dream Link

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Little Xing Fei's leather-bound notebook was basically full, a thick volume of interesting tidbits about the childcare centre from the time of her arrival to the start of the new school year.

After getting the little girl's permission, Shen Mian read the whole diary.

Each diary entry was short, only half a page long. Xing Fei's vocabulary was so broad that there was almost no use of pinyin* throughout the diary.

*Remember that this novel is written in Chinese.

Shen Mian tidied it up a bit and entered the notes into an electronic file. He said that he wanted to submit a manuscript for the little girl and when he went back, he sifted through the publishers on the various software programs on the Star Network and finally selected Wen Xing Publishing House.

The publisher had published several excellent cub books and the centre's library had several sets of fairy tales from Wen Xing Publishing House. The cover illustrations, as well as the quality of the books, were among the best in the industry.

Shen Mian modified the format as requested and sent it to the publisher.


The editor of Wen Xing Publishing House, Hai Wei, received an electronic copy of a manuscript.

Hai Wei had already reviewed several short stories. She had a list of books in her hands and she was looking for submissions for a book of fairy tales, but after a morning of sifting through them, she had found too few that were satisfying.

Most of the submissions were either stuck in the format of routines, lacking in childishness or too inconsistent to be suitable for a dragon cub.

Stretching and plopping down in her chair, Hai Wei opened the next submission.

The adult dragon across the room asked, "Team Leader, have you reviewed any suitable submissions?"

Hai Wei shook her head. "Of course not, they're all the same old stories. It feels like those authors can't remember how they thought as a dragon cub, which is quite a shame."

The adult dragon nodded sadly. "Yeah, it is."
Their group's performance this year was not good and the sales of several books they've published were not very good, which was far inferior to other groups.

In the middle of the conversation, a document popped up on her quantum computer. Hai Wei looked at the top right corner. The total word count reached 80,000 words and with the illustrations, it could be published as a children's book.

She just didn't know what level it was on.
Half a year had almost passed and Hai Wei had not published a best-selling book yet.

Hai Wei opened a packet of snacks and scrolled on the quantum computer screen as she nibbled on them. After the devastation of a morning of submissions, she didn't expect much from the new submission.

The total word count for this submission was quite a bit, but it was surprisingly in the form of a diary entry.

Hai Wei was a little disappointed- she expected a story with a full plot, this kind of diary entry format was not good. Hai Wei hesitated for a few seconds, but she was going to try and read one entry.

The title of the first entry was the name of the fruit- Sweet White.
The dean brought the dragon cubs their afternoon fruit, but they were called out on a whim. The spotted dragon cub stood up with a pat on his belly and bit open a handful of sweet whites one at a time.

The gem dragon cub seriously educated the spotted dragon cub on hygiene issues, then raised his tail to smash the sweet whites and accidentally smashed the table.

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