Chapter 56 Making it Known to the Public

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[Lao Tzu is the cutest in the interstellar: That leaves Gian, Lu Yuan, Yan Tan, Xing Fei and Rhein. So who's left?]

[A little fence: Reporting, there's still Mr He.]

[Song of Rain: It is also known that Mr He is potentially the Crown Prince. So, the dragon cub is possibly the crown prince?! That's not right, is it?]

[Water bottle: Wait a minute! Why did you exclude the dean? This newcomer is curious about the dean's race, his human form doesn't really show any dragon traits at all. Is he a flaming dragon? The human forms of their genus fit best with normal humans.]

[True or False: Look at what was previously said, comrade. The golden dragon cub had appeared with our dean. And our dean is a human (bursting with laughter), a purebred human with no dragon traits.]

[Two Tails: ???? Human? A human in a dragon childcare centre?! And he's raising so many large-sized cubs? So strong, isn't he afraid?]

[Xue Lulu: Don't get the wrong idea about us humans... We're not that timid and dragon cubs are short and stumpy, so you can't really tell they're fierce unless you fight them.]

[Writing a Thesis!: The topic is being diverted! We're talking about who that little golden dragon is. Is it really Mr He? If not, where did that little dragon cub go?]

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[South East: It's unlikely... that golden dragon cub is a metal dragon, right? His Highness's human form is so tall, how could his dragon form be the same size as that dragon cub? But if that little golden dragon really was the centre's cub, there was no way the dean would abandon the little dragon pup.]

[A Fish Ball: I'm begging the anchor, my curiosity is getting the best of me. Not to mention, little dragon cub – do you know His Highness or not? I want to see His Highness wu wu.]

However, Dean Shen's holographic glasses were on the table. He didn't know that the barrages were saying anything. But he wouldn't answer even if he knew – just before, he said that he didn't know if "Mr He" was the crown prince and if he answered now, wouldn't that be slapping his own face?

As soon as he brought the side dishes to the table, Yan Tan came to clock in.

Yan Tan hadn't been around Shen Mian for the past few days to clock in- the little black dragon cub was busy painting his "family portrait" and finally finished painting on his new colours today.

Yan Tan walked to Shen Mian's side and gently pulled Shen Mian's clothes. When Shen Mian turned back, Yan Tan unfolded the paper in his hand.

"Dean, look!"

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The paint in the painting had just dried. It was a refined reproduction of the painting that Yan Tan gave to He Xing, with a softer colour scheme and the lines seemingly adjusted.
Shen Mian looked into the bright eyes of the little dragon cub, reached out and rubbed the cub.

"It looks good. Let's frame it and hang it in your dorm this afternoon, okay?"

Yan Tan rubbed against him.

"Then let's send this picture to my uncle again, so he can show it to Livia when he gets back!"

Shen Mian nodded in agreement.
Whether it's a human or a dragon, it's a blessing in life to have a friend that you can always count on.

The dragon cubs had a fifteen-minute break after breakfast, after which classes would begin. Shen Mian put on his holographic glasses while they weren't in class.

There was little interaction with the audience during his live broadcast, but not paying attention to the live room for such a long time was obviously not a practice that would maintain his popularity, so Shen Mian would still interact with the audience when he thought of it.

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