Chapter 34 Xing Fei

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Qiming Childcare centre had only three cubs left before the original owner took over. Gian stayed, one of the remaining two children was in the neighbouring Lan Kui Star and the other went to the distant Light Star.

The child who went to Light Star was almost twelve years old when he left. The family who adopted him was very wealthy and the child did not care about the centre. The original owner didn't have the money to do a returning visit on a starship in the past and at first, was able to make calls, then refused to do so at all. The parents' attitude towards the centre was very general. So when Shen Mian took over the centre, he did not contact the other party again.

The couple from Lan Kiu Star, on the other hand, refused to visit.
This request was, of course, against the rules, but the old master had to agree to it because the child they adopted was a bit special – the little girl's name was Xing Fei, a rare human-dragon hybrid. She had always been in bad shape, though not to the extent of "very bad", but unlike most of the dragon cubs who could take a beating and fight, she was too delicate.

Dragons can't have children between different species, but there are some species that are not reproductively isolated from humans. Xing Fei is a hybrid between a cetacean dragon and a human.

Such a child would be difficult to give away, as most married families are more thoughtful and will not adopt a child who needs medication every month just because they simply like humans. It was not easy to find a family willing to adopt Xing Fei. Even if their demands were too much, the old dean could only grit his teeth and agree. Because of the condition of the centre at the time, they could not afford to pay for the girl's daily medical expenses.

Now that the other party had found out that the situation at the centre has improved and his wife was pregnant, he is reluctant to continue to adopt Xingfei, who needed to take medication every month.

The current conditions of the centre can fully cover the little girl's medical expenses, so of course, Shen Mian will not let the girl stay in the adopted family. He and Usher discussed the time he was going to pick up Xing Fei from Lan Kui Star. Usher said that he would send Xing Fei straight over tomorrow and Shen Mian asked to speak to Xing Fei, Usher agreed.

A girl's soft voice came from the other end of the quantum computer, "Hello Dean."

Shen Mian paused for a moment before speaking, "Hello."

Shen Mian was a little unsure how to tell the little girl that she had to leave her new home where she had lived for a short time and return to the centre.
"I'll...pick you up tomorrow, okay?"

Xing Fei spoke softly, "En, then I'll wear my prettiest dress. Will I also see big brother Gian tomorrow?"
The little girl's voice was very soft.

Shen Mian: "Of course, there are two new little older brothers that are here as well."

"Then I will prepare gifts for them."

Shen Mian and Xing Fei spoke a bit more until the little girl softly coughed, which allowed her to give the quantum computer to Usher to hang up after confirming the time and place again.

He Xing has been sitting upright. Shen Mian's quantum computer was a very old version and the sound leakage was quite severe so He Xing roughly heard them, "How come that little girl is in poor health?"

"She's a hybrid," Shen Mian put down his quantum computer, "She's probably a little more fragile than a human child. We took her to the hospital for tests before when the centre was still financially stable and the doctor said there was nothing they could do unless genetic modification was done. But even if the old dean had the money to do this kind of operation, the postoperative effect was difficult to guarantee."

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