Chapter 32 A Little Bit of Publicity

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In the centre's bathroom.

The tree dragon insisted that he only picked a few leaves, but when the police officer took out his quantum computer to identify the tree dragon by comparing his file with the residents of Water Star, the tree dragon realised that he couldn't get away with it and voluntarily confessed.

This tree dragon was called Edmond. He was a convicted thief and hadn't committed a crime for months after his release. He got a delivery job that was always short of dragons, saw a mock battlefield arena when he came to the centre and got the wrong idea again.

Edmond's head was hanging and he had no clothes, so he stayed in dragon form, "I saw that the front yard had a surveillance system and the backyard was dark and had lots of plants, perfect for shelter, so I tried to sneak in through the backyard. I was so hungry that I couldn't resist eating a little bit as I was passing by the dragon fields. Then that little black bastard jumped down and grabbed me!"

Edmond was yelling at the top of his lungs again, "I've come to steal things, but I didn't, did I? You didn't lose anything and I got beaten up! You have to pay me back!"

Lu Yuan whispered, "He's so stupid that he casually got caught. How did he steal things before?"

Shen Mian: "...Lu Yuan, he's not stupid. Tree dragons are very good at camouflaging and they can maintain the same posture for nineteen hours under the condition of sufficient water and food. Tree dragons also have no scales and have a keener sense of touch than humans, so they can sense the subtle wind direction and adjust their state to blend into the environment."

That's why in heavily wooded areas such as rainforests, tree dragons are deadly killers.

The officer was well aware of this as well, so he questioned, "How did you find him?"

Yan Tan and Lu Yuan looked at Gian at the same time.

The small gem dragon said, "I heard a very strange noise outside, so I went to the window to take a look and I found an area of the dragon grass fields that were completely bald. I thought it was a small animal from outside that had snuck in and I wanted Yan Tan to chase it away..."

Gian led Shen Mian to the window, "Every time the dean picks the leaves, he won't pick all the leaves off one dragon grass, so the ones without leaves would be conspicuous."

The police officer took a closer look and found a dragon grass that really was bald. He couldn't help but look down at the gem dragon cub that spoke, admiring the other's attentiveness.

Edmond spoke angrily, "At that time they did not turn on the lights when entering the bathroom! I thought all the dragons were asleep! I forgot to eat at night so I was so hungry and ate a little dragon grass!"
Because he thought he was going to make a fortune this time, he was so excited that he forgot dinner and his stomach cried as soon as he lurked into the centre.

Shen Mian thought, isn't this just the dragon's version of confusing behaviour?

All of the little gem dragon's inner thoughts were, "We're going to have to compensate money" and asked in a panic, "Uncle, we have to rely on the dragon grass to save money for our centre and our centre depends on our dean to support the family, do we really have to compensate him?"

Yan Tan was already about to cry, "I-I didn't mean to, did I get into trouble again, I'll pay back the money myself..."
He was the one who ate a lot of dragon grass last time, he was the one who demolished the main conqueror last time and he was the one who wounded the other dragons this time.

Lu Yuan glanced around, blinked and let out a little tear.

The three cubs looked tearfully at the officer.

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