Chapter 90 Surveillance

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Shen Mian's 'cuddling humans' class hung on Reader's hot search list for three and a half days before going down the rankings. Because the hot content was a 'cuddling humans' class, it even brought a lot of heat to the centre. After watching the edited video, a group of five big and three thick dragons were very interested in the course and asked where it could be taken. The response they got was: Qiming Childcare Centre's elective course, found on Cat Eye Live and live broadcasted online.

Some dragons even built a community dedicated to Qiming on Reader and in a few days, the number of followers in the community had surged from double digits to nearly 100 million, which almost caught up with the number of fans that Shen Mian had accumulated over the past year on Cat Eye Live.

The name of the community was Qiming Childcare Centre and the medals in the community were for grades one to six. Fans also dug out what Shen Mian had previously said about raising fans online and jokingly called themselves the little dragon cubs raised by the dean on the StarNet.

The community was very active, with the first few days spent at the top of Reader's Community Hotlist almost every day.
Most of these community members were Shen Mian's old fans. Since Dean Shen himself was basically on the clock except for during live broadcasts, over time, fans have followed suit, being active when he was live broadcasting and not talking about it on other occasions.

The community was the first place for fans to gather in.

The artists and writers who drew a lot of pictures and wrote a lot of articles for Shen Mian, He Xing and the little dragon cubs had finally found comrades. By sending out all the stock that was lying around, some of the extraordinarily high quality works also came out of the ring, attracting even more users and making them fall into the pit.

Many of the paintings in the circle were by an artist with the ID "Multicolour Black", a new artist who had never appeared in any of the circles before. When the "Qiming Childcare Centre" community was first established, the account sent out dozens of pictures at once and each one was beautiful.

What's even more special about the artist's drawings for love was that not only were they high quality and perfectly coloured, but his drawings were more evocative than any other fans' drawings. It was as if he had actually spent time with everyone in the centre; his demeanour grabbed hold and didn't make his fans feel weird at all.

When fans first discovered the artist, it was like coming across treasure- the Dean's character was so hard to grasp and there were always artists and writers who portrayed the Dean as too cold or too gentle, running wild on the road to changing the Dean's personality, making it hard for many fans to watch.

"Multicolour Black" was never like that. The softness and coldness were always just the right amounts.

The "Multicolour Black" account had gained hundreds of thousands of followers in just one week. The latest picture released was a large picture of Dean Shen and the Crown Prince. The painting showed two people leaning back against a battered battleship, talking while facing sideways, leaving many viewers with distinctive side views.

With the background blurred, only the two main characters and the battleship stood out. The less clear the context appeared, the more the audience couldn't help but imagine what kind of situation they were in. Was it a battlefield strewn with starship wreckages or a mock battle area full of thermal weapons?

In the picture, the Crown Prince and the Dean were very close to each other and he was loosely carrying a fire/arrow/barrel in his hand. The heavy thermal weapon seemed weightless in his hand.

His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince, on top of being a troublemaking, thick-skinned dragon, was the Sword of the Empire. The scene of him appearing before the people as the marshal, in full uniform, fully silencing the audience with just a sweep of his eyes was still in the minds of many dragons, so this picture of Marshal He didn't surprise them at all.

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