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Aria's POV:
Goodness i woke up late today too... I freshened up and hurried up to school to avoid people.
Aria's outfit:

__________________________________________I usually wear black but i decided to go with this outfit today,no particular reasons i just wanted to

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I usually wear black but i decided to go with this outfit today,no particular reasons i just wanted to.
I reached the school earlier than everyone,successfully avoiding my bullies, unnecessary attention,and the fangirls.

I looked up and saw a boy with a cheerful smile on his face he was one of my classmates but i didn't knew his name..i don't know the names of most of the people in my class
I am Felix and you.. he said stucking his hand out for handshake
Aria.I said returning the handshake.
Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
Thanks i said blandly not showing much reaction
You look really gorgeous today,you should wear such kind of clothes more often it suits you.he stated eyeing me from head to toe.
Thanks for the compliment...
Just stating the facts beautiful.
Thanks but i am not interested in listening to these facts anymore so if you don't mind can you just leave.
Ohk ...
Why do i always end up being around such kind of boys..

Suga's POV:
As i entered the class i saw aria peacefully scribbling in her notebook she looked cute in that outfit until a dumbass decided to disturb her and it was none other than Felix my mortal enemy,he was basically trying to flirt with her but just aria being aria straight away told him to back off,i laughed a bit after seeing Felix face of facing such kind of rejection from a girl for the first time.
After some time i saw her looking around for someone but to avoid her gaze i thought of flirting with a girl who was sitting next to me,i didn't wanted to think about last night..i am a "play boy" after all.From the corner of my eyes i saw her looking at me for few seconds and then again started looking around,she came up to jungkook to ask about namjoon.
Why does she wants to know about namjoon?
After getting her answer from jungkook she went to look for namjoon sorry "JOON" FOR HER!sarcastically rolling my eyes.

Aria's POV:
I was looking around to find namjoon i wanted to apologise to him it wasn't his fault he was just doing it out of his nice personality,he is a good person who cares about everyone...but my gaze ended up on Suga who was flirting with some girl and didn't even bothered looking at me as if we are some unknown as if he wasn't the one who hugged me last night,and here this play boy's back.I decided to ignore all the cringe stuff that was happening in front of me and asked jungkook about namjoon.
Jungkook,where is Joon?
Jungkook: he is bunking this class so he must be either at rooftop or swimming pool.
Jimin:Why do you wanna meet hyung?
I just wanted to talk to him..
Seokjin:do you want any help to look for namjoon oops! Joon for you .
Thanks for asking but i will find him on my own.I slightly bowed and left to look for namjoon i went to the roof top but he wasn't there on my way to the swimming pool i saw some senior girls beating up a junior girl,those girls were none other than my own bullies,after seeing them continuously bullying her i wasn't able to hold myself back anymore,i ended up loosing my control and ended up beating the three girls which were now on ground asking me to stop,
Stop it you bitch it was her fault not ours why are you beating us!
Where did you got all this courage from!
Aerum:Do you even know who we are ?
You fucking little piece of shit,you are literally nothing ,people like you are just worthless and whoever the fuck you are, you are not on your own you are fuckin dependent on your god damn parents.i stated harshly after punching her straight in the face the way she punched the little girl.She was whimping in pain and the other two just ran away from there.Losers.
I looked at the the girl who was bleeding on the floor and it was none other than Kate.Why we always end up meeting each other in such kind of situation only.
I took her to the infirmary and meanwhile the doctor was treating her wounds i decided to inform jungkook i didn't had his number so i went up all the way to the class to him
Jungkook you have to come with me.I stated firmly in a tone which left no space for argument.After getting out of the classroom he finally spoke
What happened aria?
Kate is at the infirmary.Dont ask any further questions from me.Whatever you wanna ask,ask it from your sister.
At Infirmary:
Jungkook: oh! Goodness what happened to you Kate who did this to you!?
Kate:oppa ...(she wasn't able to continue any further and ended up bursting out in tears in jungkook's arms.)
I was going to leave the place to give them some space but then Kate stopped me.
Kate: Unnie thanks for beating up those girls.You always save me.
Kate there's no need to thank me i said caressing her cheeks and wiping the tears.
So will you tell me the whole story why were they bullying you?
Kate looked at jungkook for a minute and then turned her gaze towards me,i understood and asked jungkook to give us some time to talk alone.
Kate: they were doing it because of jungkook oppa...aerum really likes jungkook oppa and she was asking me for his number and everything about him..how can I just give his number to her when i know what kind of girl she is ,and because of that she got angry...
Listen to me,if they ever bully or you or try to hurt you again you have to tell me okay? And why aren't you telling jungkook about it?
Kate:What if he blames up his own self,he cares so much for me,and he is my only family i don't want to see him sad .
You are both lucky to have each other, about telling jungkook about this or not i will leave that decision upto you.
Whatever you will choose i will respect that now get some rest..i will go to my class.
Jungkook i think you should take her home early?I looked up at him only to see his eyes which were completely filled with tears..
Jungkook.i spoke softly.
Before i could continue any further i saw him bursting out in tears in front of me.
It's my fault,those girls bullied her because of me,she didn't told me because she didn't wanted me to get hurt,i have literally failed to protect my little sister all the time..
I gave him a hug and rubbed his back to reassure him as it was the only possible thing i could do for him after all crying is a good way to let your emotions out.
After consoling jungkook for sometime i decided to go back to my class.

"I guess things are about to get more hard for me now.." i thought to myself

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