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What happened hyung answer me
It's nothing it was just about my parents they have been troubling me lately and hyung didn't wanted me to hide it from you all that's it. I said cutting off jin hyung before he could say something which he shouldn't, jin hyung just glared at me then left without saying anything...
While joon tried to believe the excuse which I just said right now, we have spent so many years with each other and hiding anything from each other isn't good...
hyung.. I have to tell you something too...
Of course go on
Yesterday I... told aria about my feelings... And of course I didn't expected her to just tell me she like me too I don't want to burden her with my feelings so i didn't bothered her by asking what she feels I would just give her time to think about it clearly.
Ohh Kim Namjoon you are such a gentleman, it's the first time i am seeing you behaving like this for a girl.
Of course hyung because she's my first love.
Announcement: all the students gather at the  main hall , an important announcement is to be made.
What is it this time i don't want to listen to another long boring speech
But we have to go hyung we don't have any other option.
When we reached the main hall my eyes started searching for that one person in the whole crowd,and when I saw her she looked unbothered and cold exactly how she looked on the first day , I felt guilty because of what I did, the principal's voice broke my trail of thoughts
Good morning my lovely students I am highly obliged to tell you that once again this year a music competition is going to be held in our school, and as you all know our school has always won the tag of the most talented school in Seoul I want all of you to participate and give your best for the sake of our schools pride, and the students that will be given the chance to participate will be decided my your class teachers. Further details will be given to you by your teachers.
Aria's pov:
The class teacher started announcing the pairs one by one, and unfortunately I ended up being paired with suga the one who I want to avoid the most right now, I will be stuck with him for two weeks now, can't believe my life -_-
And I can already see his gf glaring at me as if it's my fault that we are paired together.
You all have two weeks to show your talent to us, I hope you all will take this seriously and prepare well for the selections. Best of luck to you all.
After the classes ended I went to my locker to keep my books.
Kim Aria
Aerum I don't have any intrest in talking to you so just leave
You bitch you think I want to talk to you, I would rather talk to a wall than to talk to you and I am here to warn you about something , don't even try to seduce my boyfriend with your cheap tricks I know girls like you , you better not use this 'competition' excuse to get close to him.
I didn't said anything and just left from there.
I didn't wanted to waste my energy on her, I just headed straight to home, and tried to relax a bit by playing guitar, but my peace got disturbed by an unwanted message notification.

I am waiting outside your house


You forgot we are partners and we have to prepare a song. Let's practice at my house.

I don't want to go at your house, let's just practice at my place.
I opened the door to let suga inside  and honestly it was so difficult to even be in the same room with him. But we had to prepare for the competition no matter what,
Are you good at singing ..?
No I am not good at singing but I am good at rapping.
What about you can you sing?
Yes, wait a minute I will just bring my guitar.
Here take a look at this it's a song I wrote we can use this song if you like this
Outside the window it rains again

At times like this, I always think of you
I can not sleep

n my room, this silence the lonely sound of my heart

I feel like going crazy
So, why turn up my radio?

where does the voice come from
And on the radio
That sad story sounds so much like mine

ey DJ play me a song to make me smile

On a night when my heart is gloomy, you will smile instead of me
a song to make him forget
Hey DJ play me a song to make me cry
On a night when my heart is stuffy, you will cry instead of me
a song to make him forget

So, why turn up my radio?
where does the voice come from
And on the radio
That sad story sounds so much like mine
Hey DJ play me a song to make me smile
On a night when my heart is gloomy, you will smile instead of me
a song to make him forget
Hey DJ play me a song to make me cry
On a night when my heart is stuffy, you will cry instead of me
a song to make him forget
Outside the window it rains again

t times like this, I always think of you                   I can not sleep
I guess I can't help it
It's really good we should definitely use this, but I think we can add a bit of rap part in this I will just add a bit details in it and it would be perfect .
Ok.since half of the part of our work is complete we should continue with it tomorrow and maybe you should pick up your phone now since it has been ringing continuously for the past one hour, I just said coldly.
Right I should leave....
What ?
Don't forget to share the lyrics.
And ..
And what! I said being a little annoyed because he wasn't leaving me alone,
Nothing. Bye.
And then he left and my house became silent again like nobody lives here... This silence is really suffocating sometimes, I wish my mom was here with me I miss her , I started working on music again to avoid my emotions and whoever said that " Music is the best medicine"  I agree with him/her.

Scars// Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon