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Aria's POV:
(In classroom) :
I never expected them to spread this rumor.. I don't know why and what made me trust them even if I didn't meant to. But it wasn't my fault in that situation. Since morning many people have been asking me the same question and I have been answering them by just simple no.
What a great life I have I can't even accept in front of anyone that he is my father. But this is for the best for the both of us...because that's what we decided he choose his reputation over his family and I chose to cut off ties with my mom's murderer. And that was the end of our happy family. And the worst part is he never told me the reason behind what he did to my mom, and as for me after her death his behavior towards me completely changed it just went from being the best dad in the world to this monster he started screaming and yelling at me,he would always come home drunk and break things ,and as if that wasn't enough he even brought girls to sleep with him, after few years of living in that hell he sent me to live with my aunt. And that's how we stopped living with each other . In all these years he has gained a lot of fame and money and everyone thinks that he  isn't married, his reputation in this country is of a sweet generous man who respects everyone and apart from being a good business man is also a good person. But I know better. I actually laugh to myself when I hear everyone appreciating him.

Aria,the  principal is calling you to his office.

I sighed and left the classroom quietly ignoring the stares. Just one MORE thing to deal with..
After reaching the office, I politely requested permission to come in. And to my bad luck my father was there too ( God knows how rumors spread so easily 😵) .
Good morning aria, it's been a while right .Well  I would get straight to the point,a lot of rumors are going on in the school right?
Yes sir.... I answered hesitantly.
Can you give us some space we would deal with this on our own. My dad said in an annoyed voice .
I will just leave you can talk comfortably.
So would you answer what's going on here?
You are really so bothersome, you can't just stay quiet and live a peaceful life right?!
I did nothing.
Oh then who's fault is it? Mine!
Yes it is yours. Because you are the one who came into the school and created all that chaos in front of my classmates, so who should be the one to blame this time. Don't have any answer! Have you forgotten how to speak now!
Aria behave I am your dad!
That's not the case at all! The concept of you being my father doesn't make sense to me.
And I don't want to embarrass myself by calling you my father in front of others.
Shut up aria.
And that's where he lost his patience and tried to hit me again but wasn't able to because of...

Scars// Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora