Chapter 4

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From days to weeks passed but the equation between Taehyung and Divi never changed... they were still two stranger's staying under one roof...

Entering the house at 12 o'clock in night... Divi started healing towards the stairs but automatically her eyes moved in the direction of the dinning area where Divi found a sleepy Taehyung waiting for her...

Divi cleared her throat in order to gain Taehyung's attention...

Standing up from the chair, Taehyung rubbed his eyes to brush away his sleep...

Taehyung ( Sleepy ) : When did you came ? you must be hungry wait I just heat the food...

Divi in her usual cold tone replied "It is not needed... because I am not hungry..."

Taehyung really got concerned about her health and said "How are you not hungry ? wait 5 minutes... I am coming..."

Getting annoyed by Taehyung's constant nagging Divi angrily "I have said it before and am saying it again today... stop showing me your fake concern..."

Taehyung was hurt by Divi's words and just managed to mouth "Fake concern ? Do you really feel that my concern for you is fake ?"

Losing her calm, Divi just burst out "What is wrong with you ? In which language should I explain to you that stop waiting for me every night on the dining table like this... because I will never come... so just stop with your drama..."

Taehyung was on the verge of crying but somehow he composed himself and said "Whether you come or not, it's your decision... but I will always wait for you like this because it is my right..."

Giving Divi a piece of his mind Taehyung left from there... While Divi was confused with her and Taehyung's relationship status...

Taking out his mobile, Taehyung stared at the single picture of Divi he had... while tears started rolling down his cheeks...

Taehyung (Confused) : You are right... I shouldn't be waiting for you at the dinner table like this every night... Our marriage is only for 6 months, after that you are on your way and me on my way... Knowing all this, why am I feeling so much pain today ? Why do I feel bad about your words ? What is your importance in my life ?

Pouring his heart out for the first time Taehyung cried himself to sleep...

While in Divi's room, the situation was not quiet different... Tossing on the bed, Taehyung's words just kept on buzzing inside Divi's head...

Divi (Confused ) : Why does he even care ? This marriage is just an agreement for him, then suddenly from where did he get so much concern for me ? I guess he is also manipulative like my parents... 

Unable to take it anymore Divi decided to go for her last resort...

2 : 00 Am...

Feeling hell thirsty Taehyung headed toward the kitchen to grab a bottle of water... After drinking water Taehyung was coming back to hi room, when his found the door of the backyard ajar...

Taehyung ( Confused ) : Why is this door open now ? Minnie does not do any work properly...

As soon as Taehyung stepped out in the backyard, the strong smell of cigarette hit his nostrils...

Immediately Taehyung covered his nose and raised his head to get shocked...

Standing in front of him, facing her back Divi was looking at the sky and smoking...

Instinctively moving towards her, Taehyung took hold of the cigarette and threw it away...

While Divi shockingly yelled "What the hell..."

Taehyung : Are you made ? who smokes cigarettes in the middle of the night ?

Even Divi replied back in the same tone "How dare you touch my cigarette ? I mean... what is wrong with you dude ?"

Getting out of the shock mode, Taehyung cribbed "Firstly... smoking is injurious to health... and secondly... I am not your dude..."

Pissed with Taehyung's super weird behavior Divi shouted "Whatever..."

Unable to stand Taehyung's presence anymore Divi angrily left... While Taehyung just stared at her, trying to cope with the fact that his own wife called him a 'DUDE'...

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