Chapter 25

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Opening his eyes, the first thing Taehyung saw Jungkook's face...

Sitting up on the sofa straight, Taehyung tried to adjust with the morning sunlight...

Jungkook : I didn't know that your wife threw you out of bed..

Taehyung ( Pissed ) : Where do you get so much energy to do this nonsense ?

Jungkook ( Casually ) : From where you get the strength to bear your wife...

Taehyung ( Annoyed ) : Shut up Jungkook... It's not at all funny...

Jungkook ( Calmly ) : Now stop making looks like Romeo...

Ignoring Jungkook's comment, Taehyung straight away asked "Where is Divi ?"

Jungkook replied "Have gone to college in the morning..."

6'o clock in the evening

Coming out of the kitchen, Taehyung noticed Divi climbing down the stairs with a suitcase...

With a racing heart beat, Taehyung asked the most dreadful question "Where are you going..."

For the first time, giving a polite smile to Taehyung, Divi said "Now it's time for me to leave..."

Taehyung ( Shocked ) : Why ?

Smiling at Taehyung, Divi continued "Taehyung... 6 moths of our contract marriage ends today... Now I have no right to live in this house and in your life... From now on our paths diverge..."

Taehyung just gaped at Divi, with a frozen heart...

Handing a gift to Taehyung, Divi said "I know whatever you have done for me till today, I will probably never be able to return it in debt but this is the least I can do for you... Please open it and see..."

Animatedly Taehyung opened the gift wrap, only to find the last memory of his mother, neatly placed in a new frame...

Divi ( Calmly ) : I know I hurt you unknowingly for that I am really sorry... Please forgive me if possible...

Taehyung : Where are you going ?

Plastering her sadness with an undying smile, Divi answered "Actually, I have got admission as an exchange student in a college in New York, so I am going to the same tomorrow..."

Giving a warm smile to Taehyung, Divi said "Thanks a lot for everything Taehyung... Good luck and good bye..."

Waving at Taehyung, Divi exited from his life, forever...

8'o clock in the night

Ringing the door bell of a flat, in the outskirts of Seoul, Divi blankly stared at the door mat...

As soon as the door opened, a girl of Divi's age, just threw herself on Divi...

Tumbling on her steps, Divi held her best protectivity...

Divi ( Concerned ) : Jennie what were you doing ? We will fall...

Jennie ( Happily ) : So finally you got the time to meet me...

Making Jennie properly stand on her feet, Divi entered the house, muttering "Drama queen... You will never improve..."

Jennie ( Confused ) : Leave all that and tell me how did you come here suddenly ? Is everything ok at your house ?

Sighing helplessly, Divi finally spoke "Actually... I am going New York tomorrow for forever..."

And the next instant, Divi covered her ears, as Jennie screamed "What....."

Divi ( Pissed ) : Why are you shouting ?

Jennie ( Pissed ) : Such a big deal has happened and you are telling me now...

Folding her palms in front of Jennie, Divi said "Sorry..."

Divi took a seat on the sofa... While Jennie left towards the kitchen...

Coming back from the kitchen with two bottles of bear, Jennie handed one to Divi...

Sitting with the bottle of bear in her hands for more than an hour, Divi was still not able to gather enough courage to take a sip from it...

Every time she raised the bottle to take a drink, Taehyung's face would appear in front of her...

Not sure about the weird events, Divi decided to call it a day and left for her room...

After freshening up, Divi laid on the bed and aimlessly stared at the ceiling but sleep was far away from her...

Every time Divi looked at the empty sofa, she imagined Taehyung perched on it...

Twisting and turning on the bed for some more hours, finally Divi lost her control and grabbed the box of medicine to take some sleeping pills...

Taking the palms in her arms, Divi couldn't make up her mind to have them...

Throwing the pills out of the window, Divi frustratedly sat on the bed...

12'o clock in the night

Listening to the mysterious sound, coming from the kitchen, Jennie decided to disclose it...

Rubbing her eyes, when Jennie reached her kitchen, her breath hitched...

Standing inside the kitchen, that to wearing an apron was non other than Divi...

Jennie ( Shocked ) : What the F**k are you doing ?

Instinctively , Divi muttered "Language girl..."

Giving all kind of weird looks to Divi, Jennie asked "Divi... Are you alright ? What are you doing in the kitchen at night ?"

In a matter of fact way, Divi said "Wasn't able to sleep, so thought to drink some hot chocolate..."

Jennie ( Amazed ) : What ? Since when did you start drinking hot chocolate ? 

Divi ( Blankly ) : Why ? Have a problem ?

Jennie ( Confused ) : I mean you generally smoke but hot chocolate is something new...

Divi ( Nervously ) : Nothing like that...

Jennie ( Concerned ) : You know what... Ever since you have come here, something seems to have changed... You have changed... You are not the Divi I know since childhood... Their is an drastic change in you... A positive change... You are not Park Divi but someone else... You are not Divi but.....

While Jennie was busy in finding appropriate word's , Divi instinctively mouthed "Mrs. Kim Divi..."

Jennie just gaped at Divi in utter shock... While on realizing what she said, tears started trickling down Divi's eyes...

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