Chapter 27

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Dashing outside the house, Taehyung found his friends already seated inside the car...

Taehyung ( Confused ) : What are you guys doing here ?

Jungkook ( Pissed ) : Put expression later... Now hurry up or else the sister-in-law will get out of hand...

Nodding his head in understanding, Taehyung sat inside the car, While Jungkook took the pain of driving it...

Halting infront of a building, all came out of the car... While Taehyung confusedly asked "Where have we come ?"

Esha : This is Divi's best friend's house...

Taehyung ( Shocked ) : Is Divi's best friend too ?

Jungkook ( Pissed ) : If the eyes were removed from the face of sister-in-law, then only her best friend could reach...

Taehyung ( Whining ) : You are scolding me a lot today...

Jungkook ( Attitude ) : Because you deserve it...

Glaring at Jungkook, Taehyung came out of the elevator and pressed the door bell of Apartment no. 198...

Within few seconds, Jennie answered the door...

Jennie ( Confused ) : Who are you guys ?

Jungkook ( blushing ) : Actually... We... Are... I am ashamed...

Smacking Jungkook's head impatiently, Taehyung asked "Where is Divi ?"

The mere intension of Divi, made Jennie's senses alert...

Like an angry chicken, Jennie asked "Who are you guys ? And what is your work with Divi ?"

Getting on his knees, Taehyung started pleading "I know that I am a fool... but please tell me where is Divi ? I am Kim Taehyung begging you for my love..."

The word 'KIM TAEHYUNG' was enough to make Jennie's breath hitch...

Jennie ( Super excitedly ) : Ohh so you are Divi's Taehyung... 

Getting back on his knees, Taehyung repeated " Yes... I am Divi's Taehyung... Her husband..."

Jennie ( Excitedly ) : Hey brother in law why didn't you tell earlier... Divi has just left for the airport...

Taehyung ( Shocked ) : WHAT ?

Jennie ( Confused ) : Why ? You don't know... Divi is going to New York...

Coming out of his trance, Taehyung said "I mean she left for the airport so early..."

Jennie ( Casually ) : Hey there is so much traffic here... So she left early...

 Getting pissed by the whole discussion, Jungkook yelled "Why are you asking about the traffic ? Your wife is going there... So just concentrate on that..."

Whining like a baby, Taehyung said goodbye to Jennie and left for the airport...

Hitting the highway, their car got stuck in the famous traffic...

After honking and bad mouthing the other drivers, Taehyung and his friends still stuck in the middle of nowhere...

Unable to bear the tension, Taehyung finally came out of the car and sat in the middle of the road...

Taehyung ( Crying ) : There was a hope to get Divi back, now that too is over... Traffic put breaks on my love story... When I go home, I will tell my father to file a case on this traffic... The bastard has snatched my Divi from me... My wife left me and went away...

The driver's who were witnessing Taehyung's outburst, just felt pity for him... While some of them even sympathized with Taehyung...

One of the driver said "Don't cry son... Your wife will definitely come back...."

Taehyung ( Crying ) : Oh she is stubbornness of number one. Fights over everything....

Another driver said "The only job of a wife is to fight..."

Taehyung immediately turned defensive "No uncle... My wife is very nice. She doesn't eat my mind at all..."

Taehyung's friends just helplessly watched the drama, which had enfolded infront of them... While, Taehyung was out of his senses...

Finally, a familiar voice yelled "Which mental person is sitting on the middle of the road and increasing the traffic ?"

Raising his head, Taehyung's eyes fell on his badass wife, who was glaring at him with venom in her eyes...

Getting back on his feet, Taehyung took Divi in a bone crushing hug... While the public present over there, hooted for them...

Breaking the hug, Taehyung started interrogating "What are you doing here ? What happened to your flight ? Did you not reach the airport on time ? Did you miss your flight ?"

After listening to Taehyung, Divi had an undying urge of kicking Taehyung's butt...

Turning Taehyung towards him, Jungkook gave him solid punch on his jaw...

Holding his right cheek out of pain, Taehyung mouthed "Thank you..."

Facing Divi, Taehyung said "Come on, I'll drop you at the airport... You must be getting late..."

That was it, Divi didn't took much time to think and launched a punch on Taehyung's left cheek...

Covering his both the cheeks, Taehyung gaped at Divi in shock...

Divi ( Pissed ) : You know what... You are worthless... You will not be able to...

Taehyung ( Confused ) : What will not able ?

Grabbing Taehyung's collar, Divi jerked him towards her and said "I love you Mr. Kim... Now take me straight home or else you will have to spend your whole life on the couch..."

Taehyung ( Confused ) : If you love that much, then why were you leaving ?

Divi ( Pissed ) : You didn't even stop me for once...

Taehyung uttered in shock "I love you ? You spoke so easily... Are you sure ? Or is it not going to leave me somewhere and run away ?"

Kissing the tip of Taehyung's nose, Divi said "Never doubt on Mrs. Kim Divi's word... Because I don't think twice before kicking between your legs..."

Taehyung could only utter "What a badass wife I have got..."

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