Chapter 7

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Sitting inside the theatre room, all busy in debating on which movie to see..

Irritated by the constant blabbering of all, Sana yelled "Oh just stop it... we are gonna watch a horror movie and that's final..."

The color of Taehyung's face started to turn pale and he stammered "Horror... why the horror movie ? see something else..."

Divi, who was till then a silent spectator, asked "What is the problem with horror film ?"

But instead of Taehyung, Jungkook replied "Don't sit near Taehyung while watching a horror movie, because that is equal to hot seat..."

Divi curiously asked "And why is that so ?"

Jungkook : Because Taehyung literally explodes while watching a horror movie... And whoever sits by his side, Taehyung scratches and bites him...

Divi gave a culprit look to Taehyung, While Taehyung's puppy face was on...

Sana replied "Don't worry guys... I will sit with Taehyung... as I am not scared of horror movies..."

Jungkook muttered : Where will fear come from, watch the whole movie with eyes closed...

Esha : No need to bother so much Sana... Divi will take care of Taehyung...

With no options left, Divi was seated beside Taehyung, on the couch...

Divi whispered : If you dare to scratch me then i will put nail polish on your finger...

Giving a horrified look to Divi, Taehyung muttered "you are threatening me..."

Divi sternly replied "Yes... so mind your actions..."

Taehyung tried to focus on the screen... while Divi got engrossed in her mobile...

As the movie progressed, sweat beads started forming on Taehyung's forehead...

The whole time Taehyung was biting his nails out of fear... as soon as the ghost appeared on the screen, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Divi's wrist and hid his face, n the crook of her neck...

Divi was shocked and her hands were dangling in air...

Getting a grip on her wild heart beats, Divi with a shaking hand, started to ruffle Taehyung's hair... while Divi's other hand was busy in rubbing his back...

Divi thinks : Sana is very fond of watching horror movies, now I will show her the ghost... just wait and watch...

The movie finally came to an end...

Turning their heads, all found Taehyung sleeping like a baby in Divi's arms...

Before Divi could protest, Sana went and switched on the lights...

This really irked Divi, and she yelled "Are you dump or what ? can't you see Taehyung is sleeping..."

Unware of this fight, Taehyung opened his eyes cutely and looked at Divi...

Realizing their position, Taehyung immediately moved away from her...

Not at all meeting anyone's eyes, Taehyung declared "Good night guys... See you tomorrow..."

Without waiting for anyone's reply, Taehyung left from there... while taking it as her cue, Divi also followed his steps...

Sana was peacefully lying on her bed, when the constant flapping of the windows broke her sleep...

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