Chapter 6

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As Divi had a half day in her college, she returned to her home quite early...

Entering the house, Divi found Taehyung's friends seated in the living area with a new girl...

Jungkook : Hey Divi you came so early... right now all of us were missing you...

Before Divi could reply, The new girl said "Jungkook, introduce me too..."

Giving a pathetic smile to the girl, Jungkook said "Divi... she is Sana... Taehyung's dad's friend's daughter... Sana is going to stay here for two days..."

Divi tried to decipher the whole sentence confusedly... while Jungkook turned towards Sana and said "And this is Taehyung's wife Divi..."

Though Sana didn't liked that sentence at all but forcefully gave a fake smile to Divi...

Even Divi was not interested in her, so just nodded her head...

Esha ( Excitedly) : Divi...We arranged a small pool party... so go freshen up and quickly come..

Excusing herself Divi ran away from there...

After changing her dress, Divi decided to grab a glass of juice...

Engrossed in her mobile, Divi stepped inside the kitchen and animatedly moved towards the fridge...

Raising her eyes from the mobile, Divi found Taehyung leaning on the wall near fridge with closed eyes...

Divi : Why are you hiding here ?

Taehyung opened his eyes and started to stammer "Hiding... I am not hiding..."

Divi calmly : Stop lying...

Not at all meeting her eyes, Taehyung questioned "Why do you think I'm lying ?"

Divi casually : Firstly... you are stammering... secondly...your ears are red... and thirdly...You are not meeting my eyes...

Giving her and impressed look, Taehyung said "Not know me better..."

Divi : Stop trying to distract me...and tell me, what were you doing hiding in the kitchen, when a special guest has come to your house ?

Finding no way out, Taehyung decided to spill the beans...

Taking a deep breath, Taehyung said "I'm hiding here from Sana"

Divi : But why ?

Taehyung : That girl is crazy...She sticks to me like chewing gum...

One look at Taehyung's helpless face, Divi burst out laughing...

Taehyung Irritatedly yelled "You are laughing... Your husband's respect is being lost here and you don't care..."

Stopping her laugh, Divi give a serious look and said "Okay let me give one advice..."

Taehyung impatiently asked "What kind of advice ?" 

Divi : Don't come near me if Sana clings to you...

Saying this Divi again burst out laughing... while Taehyung gave her annoyed look...

Taehyung : Exactly what kind of wife has God given me...

And Divi just laughed even more on his complaints... while Taehyung was totally pissed...

As soon as they reached the pool side, Sana approached Taehyung... while Divi just mouthed "Best of luck..."

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