Chapter 13

143 11 4

Mrs. Park greedily asked "What a proposal ?"

Giving a disgusting look to them, Taehyung commented "What more can be expected from you guys..."

Mr. and Mrs. park were not at all ashamed of their deeds but shamelessly waited for Taehyung to announce the proposal so that they could grab some money...

Taehyung in his businessman tone, calmly stated "The proposal is very simple... There is no relation between you and Divi from today... As her husband, I break this relationship... So that in the future you can not exploit it..."

Mr. Park : What kind of joke is this ?

Taehyung ( Calmly ) : Don't worry... The point of your work is that even if you people try to contact Divi, then I will break the tie up of our company in 2 seconds... So you guys have a happy tie up and I want nothing but my wife's freedom...

Mr. Park ( Annoyed ) : Taehyung... You are making a big mistake...Have you turned hostility towards us for this girl ?

Taehyung ( Frustrated ) : What do you guys not understand at once... she is my wife... He has full right not only on my life but also on business and home... And trust me If even a single tear comes out of his eyes, I will shut down your company...

Mr. and Mrs. Park were shocked and just wanted to save their butts from Taehyung...

Mrs. Park ( Nervously ) : We will not stay here even for a moment... We don't have anyone here...

Taehyung  ( Sarcastically ) : Please do the honors of leaving my room...

Once Mr. and Mrs. Park were out of the room, Taehyung shut the door on their faces...

Turning his body, Taehyung eyes landed on Divi, who was calmly sitting on the bed, without any expression on her face...

For the first time, Taehyung just wanted to hug Divi and console her but Taehyung didn't had the guts to do so...

Their relationship was complicated and needed loads of time, to erase the invisible barriers..

Unable to see Divi in a broken state, Taehyung exited from the room...

Lying back on the bed, Divi closed her eyes... While the tears started cascading down her cheeks...

Pain... Pain was the only feeling she had in herself...

She just waned to cry her heart out and complain to god...

Was she so bad, that her own parents didn't care to love her ?

Was it her mistake to be born, without the willingness of her parents ?

There were many questions but answers to them were none...

Drowning in the pool of her pain, Divi didn't realize when sleep took over her weak body...

Next morning

Entering the room, with his eyes on the newspaper, Taehyung called "Get up Divi... It's morning..."

But instead of any reply, Taehyung received a pillow, which directly hit his nose...

Gaping at the sleeping beauty with open mouth...

Taehyung ( Annoyed ) : Get up... you have to breakfast too...

Again he got hit by the pillow...

That was it, hovering over Divi, Taehyung pinned her hand, above her head...

Lazily opening her eyes, Divi gave a disinterested look to Taehyung...

Divi ( Sleepily ) : What are you doing to me fat man ?

Taehyung's eyes popped out from there sockets, on being called 'FAT'...

Taehyung ( Shocked ) : You called me fat ?

Divi : I guess so...

Taehyung started whining like a baby "Hawww... how can you say like that... I go to gym every day..."

Divi : Go to hell...

Taehyung making his cry baby face said "How insensitive..."

Divi ( Annoyed ) : Now within 1 second if you do not move from me then you will have immense pain in your sensitive part...

Instantly releasing Divi's hand, Taehyung backed away from her...

Before he could say anything, Divi ran off to the bathroom in the speed of light... While Taehyung just stared at her as if she was some alien...

Taehyung ( Sarcastically ) : Ohh god this is the only piece found in the world to make my wife...

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