Chapter 29 ( Final )

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Radisson Blue plaza hotel, Australia...

Collecting their room keys from the reception, Taehyung and Divi started heading towards their honeymoon suite...

With a grumpy look plastered on his face, Taehyung said "What is wrong with you ? Is it necessary to collect this extra baggage ? "

Glaring at Taehyung, Divi replied "Shut up... They are family... So not a single word against them..."

Turning around, Divi passed a sweet smile to Mr. Kim and Taehyung's friends, who were the sole witness of Taehyung and Divi's fight...

Taehyung ( Pissed ) : Yes right... This is family and I am neighbor...

Paying no heed to Taehyung's winning session, Divi moved to one of the room's with Esha and Rupal... While Taehyung was stranded in the middle of the corridor, with the gents party...

Taehyung ( Sad ) : My honeymoon got annihilated...

Entering his honeymoon suite, Taehyung sadly looked at the bed and then at the couch...


Breaking the kiss forcefully, Divi gifted Taehyung with a super punch...

Covering his cheek out of pain, Taehyung asked "Now what was this for ?"

Divi ( Pissed ) : How dare that witch kiss you ?

Taehyung ( Whining ) : Why are you hitting me when she kisses ?

Divi ( Angrily ) : Don't be too smart... From today... No hugging... No kissing... No cuddling...

Taehyung with shocked expression, explained "Why are you telling me these scary rules ?"

Grabbing a pillow from the bed, Divi placed it on Taehyung's hand and said "Because from today you are going to sleep on the couch..."

Taehyung Horrifiedly yelled "Again ?"

Divi ( Casually ) : Yes...

Flashback Ends

Nodding his head in distress, Taehyung moved towards the bathroom to freshen up...

Once done with changing his clothes, Taehyung moved out of his room and went to the adjacent suite...

Entering the room, Taehyung heard Divi's giggling sound but it soon faded, when Divi's eyes landed on him...

Scrutinizing the change in situation, all decided to give some alone time to the couple...

Sitting beside Divi on the couch, Taehyung helplessly asked "Baby are you still angry ?"

Divi ( Casually ) : What difference does it make to you if I am angry ? You go to the witch who kissed you...

Taehyung ( Annoyed ) : Enough is enough Divi... I am facing your anger since last 2 days... Even you brought dad and my friends on our honeymoon, still I didn't say anything... What else do you expect from me ?

For the first time, Taehyung raised his voice on Divi... while Divi was just shocked...

Unable to bear the tension, Taehyung angrily left from there... While Divi called him from behind "Taehyung listen to me..."

But it was too late and the damage was already done...

Divi was completely lost in her thoughts, when she felt a hand caressing her hair...

Raising her eyes, Divi found Mr. Kim giving her a small smile...

Mr. Kim ( Lovingly ) : Divi... Never Let Insecurity Ruin Your Happiness... Because you deserve all the happiness in the world...

Getting a bit emotional, Divi hugged Mr. Kim and started weeping...

10'o clock in the night

Standing in the balcony, Taehyung was looking out of the window, for quite a long time...

Taehyung's trance was broken, when he heard the sound of the door... Without turning behind, Taehyung sensed Divi's presence and sighed...

Forgetting about his anger, Taehyung turned his body to face Divi...

It was then Taehyung noticed, Divi wearing a beautiful black dress...

For few seconds, Taehyung was busy in admiring her but coming out of his trance, Taehyung moved towards her and placed a pillow in her hand...

Giving a horrified look, Divi asked "You want me to sleep on the couch ?"

Taehyung ( Horrified ) : No... When did I say like this ?

Pointing towards the pillow, Divi asked "Then what is this for ?" 

Taehyung : Divi... I am fool... Whatever I said please don't take it seriously and if you still feel bad about my words then you can go ahead and hit me with this pillow...

Thinking for a minute, a mischievous smile adorned Divi's face and Taehyung instantly knew, what was coming his way...

The next instant, a pillow fight broke out between the two...

After hitting each other with the pillows and laughing at each other's  shocked face, Taehyung and Divi finally settled on the bed...

Resting her head on Taehyung's chest, Divi played with his shirt's button...

Caressing Divi's hair, Taehyung said "You know what... I didn't know that one mistake of mine would give me the most beautiful gift of my life... Even though our marriage was a mistake, but our association is God's blessing..."

On getting no response from Divi, Taehyung looked down at her face only to find her sleeping peacefully...

Taehyung ( Shocked ) : It's my happy honeymoon...

Grinning like an idiot, Taehyung kissed Divi's cheek and soon drifted to a beautiful sleep...


Thanks guys for you unconditional love and support...

This story ranked 1 in Marriage...

Love you a lot...

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