Chapter 14 sweet reunion

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As Gregory was walking through the lobby of the pizzaplex after meeting Freddy and escaping his friends. As Gregory was still squeezing his patched up Freddy plushy and looked at his Fazwatch to check the time he knew he couldn't use the main entrance since it was in lockdown. Luckily Freddy told him that he could upgrade his pass if he could just get to a machine as Gregory was still squeeze in his patched at Freddy plushy while avoiding Chica he went over to the gift shop to see if there was anything useful there. But once he found that some thing turned to be a very terrible hippo magnet.

" A terrible hippo magnet? That's lame."

" I am truly sorry Gregory. So sorry."

Once Gregory got to the Machine to upgrade his pass the machine swallowed his pass without returning it. Gregory wondered what to do until Freddy informed him to use that terrible magnet that he found. As Gregory did that squeezing his patched up Freddy plushy for support as he placed a magnet on the machine it's been out his pass turning it into a daycare pass. Some thing about the daycare seemed familiar to graduate in a comforting way like his patched up Freddy plushy he then snap back to attention once he heard footsteps getting closer.

" it's some sort of daycare pass now."

" that is great news. I'll meet you at the daycare."

Then Gregory proceeded to go to the daycare for some reason the idea of heading to that place felt very comforting like how he squeezed his patched up Freddy plushy. It was familiar in a way that he couldn't understand. It doesn't matter right now as Gregory headed to the daycare.

In the daycare things are not going so well for the daycare attendant both Sundrop and Moondrop miss their little shooting star so much The personnel file MILKYWAY did it scan and the kids that came here but none of them were their little shooting star it was sad to see to the least. then there was a silent alarm that came from the ball pit that was strange that shouldn't be any children here after hours except for their little shooting star as the daycare attendant got out of their room to see the kid there suddenly Sundrop and Moondrop Felt the personnel file MILKYWAY activated and scanned the kid and it was a match they could hardly believe it their little shooting star came back to them.Sundrop and Moondrop are relieved that their little shooting star came back to them but something about it was different the scan showed that he was in the bad shape this will not do. They quickly move their body and went into the ball pit.

Gregory froze when he heard the daycare attendant coming into the ball pit he quickly felt a strange feeling of comfort and yet danger at the same time as he try to get out but hands slowly grabbed him and pulled him into a hug Sundrop and Moondrop couldn't contain themselves as they were giggling in unison that their little shooting star had come back to them and no one is gonna take take him away from them again.

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