Well, shit

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Lily's POV:

"-Lily! Did you hear?
-Hear what? I can't even have my breakfast without them running to me to gossip...
-Last night, Y/N ran to the astronomy tower and met with Regulus Black! Replied Dorcas.
-Do you think that's the "him" that they had to save in her nightmare? Asked Marlene.
-Of course that it's him, otherwise she wouldn't have run to him! Replied Mary.
-Girls, calm down... What's that stupid thing again?
-Y/N met Sirius' brother last night when she left the dormitory. Replied calmly Marlene.
-They're so dead...! Said Dorcas when she saw Sirius leaving.
-But who saw them? I mean, are you sure that it's not just a rumor?
-Apparently, it's Remus who saw them.
-Well, that's just a rumor. Remus wouldn't have told everyone, especially knowing that Sirius would be furious. Maybe that Y/N met someone who looks like Regulus and that's how all of this shit started.
-I was literally sleeping at 1AM... Replied Remus. You can ask Prongs!
-I believe you, don't worry! I laughed. You're not the talking type, you wouldn't yell in the whole school 'Hey! Y/N and Regulus Black met!'.
-I better go and help before one of them end up dead."

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