At least he's loyal.

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Y/N's POV:

When I woke up, it was around nine and I could see that Marlene was still sleeping but that the other girls were already up.
I sighed, sat, and asked:

"-Marlene, you're sleeping?
And she answered:
-No, I'm playing Quidditch, can't you see?"

We both laughed at that answer then we agreed on getting up and joining the others downstairs.

"-By the way, where is Regulus? She asked.
-Oh, he went to sleep downstairs.
-You'll see."

We got dressed and went downstairs.
When we arrived, everyone turned to us and greeted us with a 'good morning, girls!' to which we responded 'good morning' happily.

The first reflex I had once we said good morning to everyone was to look at the couch.
He was still asleep.

"-That one won't wake up for now, he still has to do with all the alcohol he swallowed yesterday."


Around an hour and a half later, Regulus woke up and let a little yelp slip out of his lips.

"-It's rough waking up after all that alcohol you drank, isn't it? I laughed. Here, take this. I handed him a vial and he looked at me curiously. What? I'm not trying to poison- hold up. James, are you sure about what's inside that vial?
-Yes! My dad won't give me any poison even if I wanted to.
-Are you sure you have only that kind of potion and not anything else?
-Yes, Y/N! My dad knew one of us would be drunk as fuck and would need some of this, just give it to him, already! Can't you see that he's dying?"

I sighed and gave Regulus the potion, he still asked me what was it and I told him 'uh, a potion to stop being hangover something like that.' then he drank it and seemed to feel better around five minutes later.

"-So, since absolutely everyone got shit faced, can anyone remember what happened last night?
-Yeah, I remember because I'm the only one who didn't get drunk.
-We didn't either. Said the girls.
-Yes, but you saw less than me.
-Ooh, what did you see?
-Regulus going to sleep on the couch instead of sleeping with me because he didn't remember who I was. I said with a big smile on my face.
-Why are you so happy about it? He didn't remember you, like... What the fuck? Said Sirius turning to his brother.
Then realisation hits Regulus.
-Hold up, I did what?
-I'm happy about it because after I told him to come to bed, he said to me: I'm sure you're a lovely girl, but I have a girlfriend that I love a lot. Then he wished me a good night and went to sleep on the couch.
-Well, at least he's loyal. Said James.
-Good job! Said Remus.
-Oh, so that happens in real life and not only in the movies muggles watch?? Asked Sirius."

I laughed after that question and answered:
"-I didn't believe it either!"

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