The 5th marauder's official presentation

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Y/N's POV:

"-Come here, get up on that bench."

Sirius held out his hand to me to help me, I took it and soon I was next to him, up on a bench with the three other boys next to him.
I could see Regulus laughing and trying to hide it behind the book he was reading.

Now I'm scared.

"-Dear students, we have an announcement! James started.
Everyone turned to us and listened.
-We are happy to present to you the fifth marauder: Y/N Y/L/N! Continued Sirius.
-So that was your magnificent plan? I whispered to Sirius.
-Of course, what else would it be? He answered.
-I hate you..."


"-So you're the fifth marauder, uh? What's your code name? Lily asked with a smirk.
-They're still making a list so I can choose it.
-Great! Tell me once you'll have one, I wanna know. Dorcas added.

Soon, a knock on the door was heard.
The girls and I yelled 'come in!' in synch and Sirius was there.

"-You have a visitor, dear new marauder.
-He's outside, right?
-Of course not.
Sirius stepped out and showed Regulus right behind him.
-Well, come in you two. Don't stay outside! Said Mary."

The boys came in, Sirius went to sit with Marlene and Regulus sat next to me.
We had an every day conversation until the subject 'love' was brought up.

We talked about Sirius' relationship with Remus and how it was going, then we talked about Marlene and Dorcas' date that would be in a few days already.
Everything was fine, until Lily started speaking.

"-And how's it going between you two?"

I chocked on literally nothing and Regulus patted my back before taking the bottle of water under my bed to give it to me.

"-Apparently it's going great, seeing that he knows that Y/N have a bottle of water collection under the bed. Replied Marlene.
-Wait, she does? Said Sirius, confused.
-Yeah, she does. She has at least eight bottles under that bed! Regulus replied.
-Shut up. I said to him, still coughing a little.
-Damn you, you could've told me that you were...doing things on this bed and not on his! I wouldn't sit here! Cried Sirius.
-How many times do I have to tell you... We only sleep here! You dirty-minded dog!
-Fuck off, you're a fox!
-And foxes are known to be clever!
-...I have nothing more to say, I'm leaving. Ladies. He left.
-You're a fox and you didn't tell me? Said Regulus offended.
-You can still follow your brother, the door is open.
-Oh, come on. If I knew what my patronus was or if I was an animagus I would've told you!
-No you wouldn't.
-We're leaving you two to your things! Said the girls before leaving, running.
-See, you made them run away!
-I did? You did!
-No, I didn't! You're the one who scared them!
-Screw you!"

This little battle lasted around ten more minutes before we finally got back to a normal conversation and talked about Sirius' bullshit, books, and well, everything we usually talk about.

Once we were finished with all of this, we joined the others in the common room where Remus was reading, Sirius and James were doing a V.I.P concert to every person present in the room, Peter was eating and... Wait.
Peter was eating?

"-Y/N, NO- damn it.
-GIVE IT B- Regulus took the snack from my hands and gave it to Peter. oh, thanks.
-Hey! That was my snack! I said offended.
-No, you stole it.
-But I wanted it. I pout.
Regulus sighed and took two chocolate bars from under his robe. He gave it to me.
Reggie, I love you.
He turned to the others and said:
-See? This is how you calm down a fox.
-Screw you, Black.
-Aw, I love you, too!"

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