Why won't you talk to me?

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Y/N's POV:

"-Hey, Reg!
-First of all, chill. It's just me. Then, could we, please, talk?
-About what?
-You're distant recently, I talked to you about this already, but sincerely why won't you talk to me?
-I already said that it was to not hurt you or the guys.
-But you won't hurt me. I'm used to talk about deep shit.
-Well, if you really want to talk about deep shit, when are you going to talk to me about your mental health and what you're hiding under these hoodies?
-Great. Do you even trust me?
-Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?
-Y/N, come on. You never talk to me about anything, it's always my brother! I'm not jealous because I know about his sexuality, I'm just saying that I'd like for us to talk more often about... Well, about deep shit. How can we even say that we trust each other if we never talk about that kind of thing? We never talk about our worries, our problems or anything... We should take a break to think sincerely about things.
-You're joking about the break part, right?
-Do I look like I'm joking, right now?
-Alright then. We're taking a break."

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