Time flies

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Make sure to read the previous chapters even if it's not really important.

TW// Self-harm!

Y/N's POV:

Time flies, four months already passed.

Regulus and I are way closer than we were before, we even slept together a few times but no one knows yet, Sirius finally had the balls to come out and ask Remus out, I'm now helping James to go out with Lily and we're not seeing Peter that much recently.

We still talk through letters from time to time, I'm a little bit closer with the girls as well even though I don't take part in their conversation so much since they talk about girly things and I'm not really into this kind of conversation.

My depression isn't getting worse but it isn't getting better either, it's still hard to stay without crying and insomnias came back recently. I'm doing a bit better when it comes to hurting myself, I don't do it as often as I used to do four months ago but the weather is getting warmer and I still need to wear jumpers and hoodies.

The few people I'm friend with and doesn't know yet starts to find it suspicious, sometimes they say that it's way too obvious that I'm faking my smile and that causes my anxiety to take over every other feeling.

And the worse thing is that the closer I get to Regulus, the better he knows when I'm not feeling well. He reads in me like in an open book and that scares me, because he will end up knowing about everything...

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