So, are you two a thing now?

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Shitty, short, and dumb chapter!

By the way, since no one never answer to any of my post, I'll ask it here so I'm sure you read it.
Please answer to this, it's very important.

Should I do multiple chapters about the two next years or just keep it resumed in one chapter?
Because this fanfiction is already pretty long (I've got 80 chapters already) and I've got the last chapter written because I didn't wanted to loose the idea I had.
But I'm asking you all what you really want to read because I don't want to do it in like one chapter and the next day yall will come after me saying that you wanted detailed chapters about it😭

That's it for me, enjoy this chapter :)

Y/N's POV:

"-GOOD MORNING Y/N, HOW DID YOUR NIGHT WENT? Yelled Sirius when he saw me.
-Could you please shut the fuck up, it's 8AM how can you possibly have so much energy?
-He didn't even slept at all this night, he kept us awake as well, replied a Peter ready to fall asleep on the table if we gave him the permission to.
-Reply to my question by Yes or No and I'll shut up.
-Ready for anything you're gonna ask if it's for you to shut up. I replied.
-Are you and my brother a thing, now?
-LILY, OUR MONEY, NOW! Yelled the girls
-I- yall had a bet? I asked, completely desperate.
-Of course we had, it's been on since November. Replied Marlene.
-You couldn't have waited one more week before answering yes? Asked James and Lily, clearly not happy with giving money to the others.
-Couldn't know yall had a bet. If I knew, I wouldn't let this dumbass win. I said while showing Sirius eating his toast happily.
-Oh yeah? Who would've win if you knew about our bet?
-Remus, because this guy has a brain.
-Well, thank you, I guess?
-By the way, catch this! I threw him a chocolate bar and he caught it perfectly. You'll need it soon, right?
-Yeah, thanks."


"-Here they come!
-Excuse me?
-Oh, I think he's offended.
-Why would you say no?
-Because that's way too soon and also because we're only turning 16 and 15 this year.
-She's got a point.
-Alright, you win."

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