Ig that's how the party started

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Y/N's POV:

I owe Remus chocolate.
But at least, we both saw Sirius wearing a skirt. And by the time we arrived, he even had high heels!
I'm not gonna lie, that was hilarious.

He did a fashion show for everyone and I guess that it's just how the party started.
The common room was quickly full of people from all different houses, laughing at Sirius' bullshit and dancing on Remus and I's records that we had put on our common turntable.

"-Waiting for someone, Y/L/N? It was Mary.
-Yup. But it seems like he isn't gonna show up. It's not really his scenery, you know, all these people and the noise...
-Go find him, then. I got your back.
-Mary, you're a Saint! Thank you!"

I got up quickly and left the common room, almost running.
I went straight to the astronomy tower but he wasn't there. I sighed and sat on the floor, waiting.

But he didn't show up.

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