Come on, wake up...!

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Remus' POV:

"-Got a problem, up there..!
I lifted my nose from my book.
-What's happening?
-Come on, Y/N. Come on, wake up...! I could hear Sirius cry from upstairs."

I closed my book and ran upstairs to find Y/N as white as her bed's sheet, hardly breathing, and Sirius crying, trying to wake her up.

"-What happened? I asked Lily, panicked.
-I don't know... We woke up this morning and found her like this, we couldn't even take her to the hospital wing because Sirius came in the room before we could even have the time to get her out of here..."

I sighed and went to Sirius.

"-Sirius, love, we need to get her out of here and bring her to the hospital wing as fast as possible...
-She has to wake up! I need her to wake up..!
Tears came to my eyes but I refused to let them down.
-I know, but we need to get her to the hospital wing before...before it's too late."


"-Please, please, wake her up!
-Oh, dear... I'm going to try my best but I can't promise you anything, I've actually never been confronted to this situation..."

Madam Pomfrey did all kind of things I couldn't give a name to, to Y/N. I was hugging and rubbing Sirius' back and trying to calm him a little while observing what was happening, stressed.

Madam Pomfrey's hands were shaking, she was stressed as well, yet she was handling it pretty well so she won't make any mistake.

"-Should we tell Regulus? James whispered.
-I don't know... I was just thinking about it. If we tell him and that she doesn't make it, what do we do?
-And what do we tell him if we don't tell him anything now and he learns by Dumbledore that she didn't make it later?
-James, you're complicating things! Remus is stressed enough, no need to add more. Said Lily, as stressed as me.
-We're not telling him. We're waiting. Said Mary."


"-She's safe now, you can go rest, boys. Said Madam Pomfrey, relieved.
I sighed and started crying, relieved as well.
-Goddamn, I-I thought she wasn't gonna make it! I tried to calm down and it took me a little while before I could breathe correctly. Thank you!
-No, thank YOU for bringing her here in time! Two more minutes and I couldn't have been able to do something..! Now go rest, I'll inform your professors about it."

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