You both look dead

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Y/N's POV:

"-Morning to you two.
-Morning, James. I answered.
-So first Regulus and now Sirius, uh?
-Damn it, James. Sirius is gay as fuck, who cares if we sleep together?
-Well, I guess I don't need to tell him anymore.
-You didn't tell them, yet?
-Nope, but you did with James. One down.
-No worries.
-Morning, Sirius. Morning, Y/N.
-Morning, Remus. Sirius and I replied in synch.
-You both look dead.
-Rough night, between cries and nightmares we slept around three hours not even one more second. I don't want to imagine what could've happen if Y/N stayed at Hogwarts.
-Don't be so dramatic, I didn't cry that much.
-You were cosplaying as a waterfall, Y/N.
-I wasn't. And if I was, then you were cosplaying as the personification of panic. You should've see your face!
-Well, maybe that if you stayed-
I put a toast in his mouth.
-Shut it and eat. It's better."

He nodded and we had breakfast in silence.
Peter joined later and as time passed by, I was looking at the clock every five minutes.

Was he still sleeping?

Is he avoiding us?

I should stop looking at the clock.

Why isn't he coming?

Is he going to sleep until noon?

Stop looking at the clock, Y/N.

"-Why are you looking so much at the clock? Asked Peter.
-When you left the room, was he still sleeping?
-Uh, I think, yes... He had a rough night.
-He heard you crying and couldn't sleep.
-Fuck... I whispered."

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